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Odd movement question

I recently watched a horse trained through 4th. One of the Iberian breeds.
Like many of them he winged a bit in the trot.
I am familiar with winging that seems to originate in the knee (visually looks that way). But this horse seemed to originate it from the shoulder.
Very odd looking.
And no I don’t have a video.
Any ideas or comments welcome to help educate me….

video is really needed to discuss what you saw.

I want to make sure we’re talking about the same thing - winging is when the hoof flight pattern is to the inside, which is opposite of what we think it should be.

Whether it’s paddling (to the outside) or winging (to the inside), it IS best if it originates from the shoulder, as that means the leg itself is in better alignment and less likely to cause problems. The lower down the leg the dysfunction originates, the more likely there are to be soundness issues.


It’s paddling, to the outside. Thanks, that makes sense regarding soundness. And it was a horse that is for sale, and the sale video, not mine, so I really dont want to share the video.

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Paddling is preferred over winging, from the perspective of not hitting the other leg. And yes, that’s pretty common in those (and other) breeds. Generally it’s not a problem if it’s not severe, and as long as the foot is landing flat, not one side or the other landing first, it’s usually not an issue


Thanks. I just hadn’t seen it so obviously originating in the shoulder before. (Or maybe my eye is getting better trained? We can only hope….lol)

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