Former English rider here now re-riding after 30 years off. I started half leasing this big boy last year. Because I was a nervous wreck (rusty skills, very big horse) I bought a Wintec western saddle and 38" Professional’s Choice nice paddy cinch. It worked. The lad expanded over winter and now I can just get him cinched up. On the last hole on both sides. Cinch is not exactly even, either. (We were on the second and third holes last May … g’ah.)
I see I can get a much larger girth (not PC) but I love this girth so how about a longer off billet? How are they measured? Read they can be 18" to 2 feet. Are they measured folded or straight. Cuz this one is 35" from pointy end to pointy end. Does longer than this actually exist?
Any advice? If I have to get another girth, any suggestions?