Off to adaptive riding class, Update, Driving instead!

Well I am hoping anyway. I am discovering the PTSD that is said to accompany my condition as my doctor is being less than helpful filling out releases and I just can’t cope. I am jazzed to be going so there are those normal feelings, but I can’t seem to access the common sense I used to have about phone calls and getting paperwork and all that. DH was doing it all for me and he has no interest or time for this one. Gotta learn sometime I guess.

I can drive, I passed the Fall Risk from PT and was released, I’ve started with a personal trainer who does old person classes and is a great guy, he doesn’t hang on to me the way they do in PT for safety so I am getting more core work, more independent work plus 25 stairs up to the studio. I’ve been there for two weeks and I should be ready for Central KY Riding for Hopes higher functioning program, the only thing is they require a comprehensive assessment and release and my doctor(s) are dragging their feet. I wish that they would be more clear to me about my restrictions or I’m going to hurt myself unwittingly. Maybe they think I am going to stay in bed forever. I’m lazy, sure, but I didn’t come this far to be delicate and unable when I could be.

Luck please.

Well the PCP decided all my arguments not withstanding, that because i was on Eliquis that it would be too dangerous for me to ride, if I were to hit my head, etc. so the wonderful program at CKRH cannot take me. My old helmet needed replacing anyway so bought a CO MIPS helmet, very comfortable, fits like a glove and should reduce the likelihood of impact trauma significantly, BUT I am driving with my old trainer, we bopped around the arena yesterday and started me back on cones, didn’t hit a one but still don’t have proper guiding technique. Did get tired, but felt wonderful to groom and interact with Louie the handsome one, try to remember all the harness parts etc…
Very happy to have been able to do that and have a month long lesson package so another month of work and just . . . horses.


& wishes for you to succeed in this latest rehab skill :encouragement:

Damn Drs, dragging their feet on the paperwork :mad:

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Yes, good luck to you!

Let me guess here that your doctors are not at all knowledgeable about riding or the body movements and strength involved. They may be uncomfortable ok-ing an activity they don’t really understand.

Could the riding center give you the names of one or two MDs who are familiar with the riding programs and would be willing to contact your MD and “docsplain” it so your papers can be signed?

If they are just generally dragging their feet, tell them you’re going to try bungee jumping while you wait for the riding paperwork. That might shift them.:eek:


Getting a different doc might work, I still may be considered to have a relationship with the one that did my procedures, he was just way too far away.Neither one of us got through to the current guy today so I just got the tour, checked out the dog trials being held at the KHP, stuff like that and it was sort of good because I had one on one personal training today. Puff pant.

The program director says this happens all the time with non-horsey doctors especially for the least independent kids, she’s not too worried.

You want to know the strangest thing is how much trouble I had with my low-heeled paddock boots. I was all wobbly walking on them at first,sneakers they are not, but it did get a bit better.

I didn’t think of bungee jumping. Rock climbing was on my list, and wakeboarding. Well, tubing anyway.


[B]Jingles & AO !

Riding will be such a blessing for you !

Never underestimate the healing power of riding for a healing rider ![/B]


@Zuzu Updating for you and anyone else. Thank you all for the kind thoughts. The cardio cleared me but didn’t want responsibility for my musculoskeletal conditions, as he said “is frail and walks with a cane”. PCP denied me, underlining that statement.

Crud, you know I just spent the morning washing the Jeep, yes I was tired, yes I didn’t finish the roof, I couldn’t stand in the door and hang on and reach where the rack is, plus the thing was filthy. Frail. Maybe I walk like a drunk sometimes but I can pick up those buckets of cat litter again. I know I could take care of my horses again, I am very torn about having given them up but I couldn’t make DH responsible for them for 5 more months, he’d already been caring for them a great deal of the time since October.

Now, the program director is saying wait two weeks, which will be after my next visit to cardio and I’ve made arrangements to get on a program with the personal trainer. I admit it, I’m lazy, these will be independent exercises that I will be paying to be accountable for, nothing like money to give me a reason plus the trainer will be able to offer independent verification. DH says wait a month BUT the new session starts before then and I may lose my spot. You can’t get any safer than CK riding for hope, it has premier PATH accreditation,and my instructor is a licensed OT, I am unlucky enough to fall within their acceptable diagnoses, this program would be perfect for me and thanks to the enormous community support it receives I can afford it without arguing with my insurance co…

Secretly in my heart I want to scorch down the long side and ask my assigned horse, an ex-Reiner, to stick his tail in the ground but I’m NOT stupid. With time we may get to that, but the point is to build new or reconnect neuronal connections to reach a skill set I may still have, help my balance, my decision making and tbh to be around horses in a supportive environment. Now to convince the PCP.


Both your Cardio Doc and PCP need some in depth education on theraputic riding. Because, ya know, it’s THERAPUTIC. Designed as THERAPY to strengthen you. So you will no longer be 'frail '. Duh.

I’m sorry their ignorance is holding up your riding.


[B]please make sure all involved know the date the new session starts … and about losing your ‘spot’

they all want to ‘protect’ you, we know that


please tell them you need this … it’s about your mental emotional health = your spirit

  • and you know it’s a SAFE program

it’s about Zu Zu’s Petals … symbolized

  1. The promise of the future

  2. The triumph of the human spirit

  3. The reminder of how wonderful life really is

You need to ride !!!

  • wash the Jeep … take videos of such send to professionals

scream for your ‘riding’ til they hear you and give in

JINGLES & AO … you are heard this week !

((hugs)) laced with strength and support !!![/B]


any good news update here ?

Jingles & AO

@Zuzu , hello, yes and no. I went boating Sunday and got a heck of a case of road rash on my shin plus a few stitches on my knee slipping on that algae covered cement at the boat ramp. I knew it would be slippery, took a gamble, and lost.

Poor DH had to pull the boat back out etc etc.and we got to explore the local area and their lovely hospital. I guess they get a lot of this stuff with the big recreational lake right there.

Ive added a day with the personal trainer and we adapt for the stitches pulling and my bruised up knee, of course, I may have to go on the list, but I think I can still volunteer for the program and get my horse time in some other way. AO Always Optimistic!

Driving instead! Obviously havent figured this out, see post 1

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Great update ~ enjoy your driving !!!

  • an excellent substitution for riding …