the problem with Share the Upside is Spendthrift sells off these massive amounts of lifetime breedings and then dumps the stallions after a few years. Its a win, win for them from a cash flow standpoint. But no one in the US is going to take on these stallions if Spendthrift wants to sell them and add something different to their lineup.
NO other breeding farm is going to take on 50 lifetime breeding rights from owners on a stallion unless its something like Curlin or Malibu Moon (but those type of stallions will never change hands). They probably wouldn’t take on a stallion with 20 of these lifetime rights. Essentially the farm they would get sold to gets screwed (Spendthrift cashed in initially then it becomes the burden of another farm to supply that many free breedings every year) and it also screws over those who buy into these lifetime breeding deals.
Its a complete Ponzi scheme. Yes, you dont pay any stud fees until the offspring are sold. Just look at the “Breed Secure” part of the program. On a $100,000 foal sold at sale, the farm gets the breeding fee and the seller keeps the rest. So you’re paying for the stud fee no matter what. In addition to that, the stallions available for Breed Secure are often $1000 - $3000 more on that program than for their regular stud fee. So you’re paying a higher stud fee at the time of sale on a mediocre stallion instead of just paying the lesser amount at time of breeding.
On the “Foal Share” program where the stallion is a $7500 from another farm; the resulting foal sells at auction for $100,000 and the breeder/owner gets $50,000 while the stallion farm receives the other $50,000. So you got a free breeding to a $7500 stallion but you really didn’t; you only got $42,500 while the stallion farm banked the remainder. You, as the breeder still had to pay to raise the foal and prepare it for sale; Spendthrift did nothing and still took half your money. Sure you got lifetime breeding rights after 2 years but when they sell your stallion overseas after 2 or 3 years; you are SOL.
So if you chose one of their SharetheUpside stallions; his stud fee was 15,000 and the resulting foal sold at public auction for 16000 due to a some issues on a PPE: Spendthrift gets 15,000 and you get 1000. If you made a profit past the stud fee; you still owe Spendthrift the fee; even if its only $50 profit. If the resulting foal sells for less than the stud fee; you owe nothing to Spendthrift (but how often would that honestly occur).
the other deal with SharetheUpside is you only get lifetime breeding rights is if you have two live foals within 2 years and pay both stud fees at time due. By the time the 3rd or 4th year rolls around, the stallions lose their luster as first crops are already racing and they potentially get sold overseas where your deal is no defunct.
Hit It a Bomb (Lord I hate that name) is currently one of the stallions in the program. His stud fee is 7500 but his Share the Upside fee is 8500
Cinco Charlie on the other hand; his stud fee and Share the Upside fee are both 5000.
All of the stallions in the BreedSecure program have higher fees for that program than their normal stallion fee.