Oh bugger - Sacroiliac Ligament Sprain, anyone had it?

Took a good spill yesterday when equine teleported left (nice duck and spin) while walking on the buckle while talking to my trainer and I did not stick. Landed on my lower back according to the sand scrapes although it happened so fast I can’t really remember. Wasn’t really his fault - some horses next to the paddock came running out of the dark at him.

Went to the ER, nothing is broken, thankfully, but they diagnosed a Sacroiliac Ligament Sprain. This, after just getting back in the tack after two labral tear repairs and osteoplasty.

So she referred me to a neurosurgeon (which was surprising) but apparently he focuses on the spine. Seems like a good fit I guess? Good meds, lots of steroids, and I’m walking better but still painful to sit.

Anyone have advice on healing or getting back in the tack? I’m so bummed that I hurt something (again) and don’t want to damage anything prematurely, but I know for my head I need to be in the saddle again soon. I got over complex PTSD related to falls 10 years ago FINALLY and I don’t want to lose that.

I had a sacroiliac injury at age 49 from a fox hunting fall. Twenty-five years later it unfortunately still is painful. It is exacerbated by twisting motions. Shoveling manure piles and turning with the loads to put them into a bucket is particularly problematic, but I have adjusted the motion to compensate. Mounting and swinging my right leg up and over is difficult, so I climb up higher than the horse and step down onto her back.

Once I am on, riding itself is pretty comfortable. After 20 more years I finally gave up jumping, eventing, and hunting for dressage and trail riding. The orthopedic surgeon at the time of the injury recommended a sacroiliac screw for stability, but it was the middle of hunting season and I turned down that option. Maybe in hindsight I should have had it done.

The worst thing is still sitting. I can’t comfortably drive a car for more than about 30 minutes at a stretch. But riding itself is still OK, and that’s the most important thing for me.

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I’m so sorry it happened to you too :frowning: Are you able to sit trot ok in dressage? I’m terrified this will lock up my pelvis even more and make it difficult for me to do so.

I think that I am doing OK with the sitting trot, but the horses I am riding now are not the same ones as I was riding before the injury, nor are my trainers. The most important thing is how I mount. If I really pivot my right leg (the injury was on that side) over the horse it starts to hurt immediately and the ride doesn’t go well. If it’s a comfortable mount, the ride usually goes well. At home I have built a really tall 4 step block for mounting and dismounting, but when I trailer somewhere else to ride there sometimes isn’t a good high place to use to get on.

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Before my fall I was struggling a lot with my hips (having had surgery last year on both hips) right when I mounted. Interestingly, I bought a 4 stepper mounting block and the “fall day” was the first day I had used it, and I noticed significantly less stiffness in my hips. I didn’t connect that to mounting, but it’s quite possible that was a factor. I struggle getting my leg up over the cantle, and a low mounting block (unless it’s a very low one where I can use the power of “spring” to get up over it) was just not cutting it.

Thanks for the food for thought!!

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I came off one of my guys about 7 years ago – landed on my back – and injured my SI joint. For me an old fashioned chiropractor helped immensely. I had to go back fairly regularly over the course of about 3 months … he would get everything back in place and I’d feel better, but then in a couple/few weeks I’d need to go back. He said that the injured ligaments take quite some time to heal and that eventually everything would tighten back up and I wouldn’t need constant adjustments. He was right – by the end of the summer I had healed and haven’t had any trouble since. I tried to keep riding that summer but honestly I probably would have been better just taking the time off from riding and letting my body heal. Plus when I think back it probably wasn’t the safest thing to keep riding since my horse at that time was a bit unreliable.

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