how do I add a photo since the reply button doesn’t work and only have the quick reply?
Your premium membership hasn’t been processed, so you can’t add photos yet. See how it doesn’t say “premium member” under your username? The mods haven’t activated you just yet.
I offered up several suggestions for your post reply issues here:!
Not sure if you saw the reply or not, or if you were able to make one of those methods work?
Larksmom, I sent you a PM. Sorry for any delay in activating your Premium status! Please check your PMs and we’ll get things sorted out ASAP.
Thanks for your support of the forums! And Simkie, thanks for your continued help on the Help threads! :encouragement:
Mod 1
Larksmom, I just remembered that you may have been paying directly to the main office via check or credit card. If that’s the case, it may not have made it down the email pipeline to me yet for manual activation. Let me know if that’s a case, and I’ll check with Joanie at the main office at start of business today.
Mod 1
OK I just saw this reply. I did try the CC link offered in the Premium offer. Try it yourself. When you choose cc, there is no link. Thanks,
Are you referring to the link from here when you click on the “Upgrade to Premium” button?
That should take you to this screen where you can select the $20 payment from either the recurring or one-time membership drop-down menu. When you click “order” from there, it should take you to Paypal to complete the transaction.
Where in that process were you having trouble, or was it somewhere else?
Thanks so much!
Mod 1