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Ok, tack fiends, talk eventing saddles to me

If you’re in Texas check out Laurie MacDonald. She helped me custom shim a half pad to make some small adjustments to help my saddle fit. She doesn’t push a brand, even when I mentioned buying a possible new saddle she said just “don’t let those reps talk you into a bunch of panel adjustments, this horse doesn’t need them” & to send her what they were planning on making.

It’s 1000% the fitter though (mine wasn’t Patty) - I had a custom Black country made for my ottb. She said we needed a wide, and that no, I don’t need a forward flap. She’s the expert, so I trusted her. It’s a beautiful saddle, but from day 1, it never fit me or my horse. No combination of shimming or pads alleviated the pressure on his withers and because I had no where to go in the front, I pushed myself to the back of the saddle, behind the balance, causing more soreness. So, moral of the story, prioritize fitter over brand :slight_smile:


I’ve used Laurie before! She fit my shimmable to my current saddle :slight_smile: