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Ok, the Taco Truck cat toy - who got that and how did you reinforce?

Tom needs this fo Christmas Tree Multilevel Cat Scratcher House - Xl - Wondershop™ : Targetr Christmas


I have seriously considered that. It might be the only tree we see around here given Tom’s proclivity for climbing my clothes drying rack and his tendency to grab objects and carry them around the house.


And, it’s ordered. However long it takes to assemble, it has to be less than putting up a normal tree.



And it’s going back. Not sure if they’ll take it given its far less than pristine condition. Got the bottom part done with some duct tape and swearing. The supports for the second tier tore when I tried to insert them. Attempted to fix with duct tape. Tore in new places. The angles of the thing aren’t meant to go together.

The cardboard is definitely flimsier than the taco truck. The truck is Boots and Barkley whereas the tree is Wondershop.

This is 90 minutes of my life I’ll never see again and really could have used for something else, like knocking out a batch of cookies or making calendars.

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Well, that sucks. Lesson learned and I’ve been warned. I was actually going to order it. Nope, not now.

They took it back, no questions asked. Didn’t even look in the box. Got a Target gift card, not a refund, but I can live with that.

I’ve decided that someone needs to make a nativity-themed cat scratch house. Or would that be sacrilegious?

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Would all the figures have cat heads? I don’t think that would be sacrilegious at all. But then I’m just a wee bit bent…lol

Oh I would throw money at that in a heartbeat! Hopefully someone crafty with an Etsy store is reading this and can create such a product.