OK, what kind of (tb) equipment is this?

OK, what kind of (tb) equipment is this?

i was at the races today and there was a horse who had what looked like a black rubber band-ish, circular loop thing, maybe an inch wide, on both hind legs, that sat in that little hollow area where his lower gaskin and hock meet. I did see it close up. It didn’t appear to be tape. It was not adhered to his coat. It fit neither tight or nor very loose. ??? Thanks.

I believe they use those for hock hitting, and I believe that it is generally used more in standardbreds. But I think (?) you are a standardbred person, so maybe I’m incorrect in my assumption. I definitely have never used it myself.

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I have seen really big, thick rubber bands used for that purpose. It makes them run a little wider behind so they are less likely to hit themselves

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Ah ha, I knew you knowledgeable people would know. Thanks!! “really big, thick rubber bands used” - Yes, reminded me of those rubber bands that go around the broccoli at the supermarket, just larger and black. I wonder where one gets these? Are they from Staples or the tack store?

“but I think (?) you are a standardbred person”

Correct and great memory! Unfortunately, I’ve been a horsewoman on the sidelines for awhile now, due to some injuries, so my knowledge is waning.

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