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Old Drum

The dog who inspired the phrase ‘man’s best friend’

Sorry it’s from tiktoc. Looks like there was a movie


I can’t access TikTok.

I just found videos about him on YouTube. I remember the quote from the Dogs entry in the World Book encyclopedia we had when I was growing up. I don’t remember the dog’s name being given, which I think is a shame. I do remember being really touched by the story.

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I hadn’t heard of Old Drum, but the story reminded me of Greyfriars Bobby:

& Hachiko
Who was the subject of a movie with Richard Gere:


An admitted Cat Person, this still makes me tear up.


Acording to Wikipedia, it dates back to Frederick the Great of Prussia (1712 - 1786).
He had greyhounds.

I saw the Disney movie Greyfriars Bobby when I was a child.