Old injuries, flaring up, life is miserable...

I feel like I take 2 steps forward, then 2 back, in regards to my health and riding. Warning! major whining thread about to commence.

I have an old L5/S1 injury (had surgery) that has come roaring back this summer. I have good and awful days. Of course, I over do, then pay the price. Right now, I’m suffering! I rode last night and my lord it hurt. I have a “pile driver” horse: trot is like sitting on a sawhorse bouncing over RR tracks.
This is made worse by the fact that an ancient knee injury (two ACL issues in same knee, 6 and 15 years ago) has also made a reappearance. I visited the East Coast in June and walked, a lot, which is NOT unusual for me (that is my normal exercise beyond riding). Suddenly, my knee is swollen, sore and “catches” when I leave it in a bent position. I have an appt. with my ortho on Friday.

I guess it just sucks getting old, when one has lived an active, athletic life and bears the wounds from that. And, that I’m just now back to jumping around a 2’9" course and have a show in 2 weeks. I will ride in it, teeth gritted, sucking on a Vicodin, if I have to. I won’t miss it! My fave show all year. Horse people are crazy:lol:

I will call my Dr. today to get in about my back. I need PT to put me back in the game! I’m in the acute stage, a little R and R is the first step, then gentle strengthening, aided by pharmaceuticals. It makes me sad that I know that!:wink:

Anyway, I just thank you all for listening to me whinge. Mr. CC is tired of me pushing through it, and told me to call the big guns in. He’s out replacing a gate post right now. Good man.

Yes, it totally sucks. I’d whine too, but this thread is all about you. :wink:

I’m sorry. My grandpa said he really didn’t mind getting older, but it sure is inconvenient. Every day I’m learning exactly what he meant.

I feel your pain and frustration. I had a horse do the old spook and spin the other night and last night I couldnt get my self up off the toilet because my back hurt so bad and my legs weren’t cooperating. I was convinced I blew another disc( had one explode in Jan '10) so I was a blubbering mess. Now the ice, steroids, NSAIDs and narcotics may just be covering up the problem, but I do feel better! I hate being a prisoner to old injuries. I made an appt to see the oath on fri. Hopefully I can keep myself duct taped/ binder twined together till then.

Ha! Binder twine and duct tape for sure! I have to bandage my boarder’s ancient horse’s foot every other day–that should be a spectacularly painful procedure tomorrow!

What really sucks is that I’d put on weight/lost fitness due to my shoulder injury last year, and had a great plan of moderate exercise and diet changes going. Then this. The brakes are on the exercise plan now. And…gosh, I had a huge list of summer projects to accomplish (I’m a teacher, so I cram a bunch of stuff in during my 6 weeks of vacation) and those are essentially on hold now, too. Grrr…

The hardest part is not just powering through the pain and thus prolonging the agony. Restraint, restraint!

The hardest part is not just powering through the pain and thus prolonging the agony. Restraint, restraint!

At least you seem to be smarter than I am! I still haven’t figure that one out (and am paying for it.) The joke at my barn is that it will soon qualify as a theraputic riding program.

Since misery loves company,…

I’m right where you are. An old back injury reaggravated the other night when I lifted the fat Corgi off the golf cart, he squirmed, I twisted and set him down, instant back spasm, the kind of which I would not wish on my worst enemy. Truly, if they could figure this out for Gitmo, everyone would talk. Well, scream and swear in their language of choice anyway. Fast forward to last night, when I try to stop my brand new Harley on a steep hill at the end of our road to head into town, and I misjudge the steepness, and, since I have short little legs and my back was already a little tweaked (I should know better by now?) I dropped the bike. A brand new 342 miles on it Harley. Not good. I made my back worse by trying to hold it long enough to give it a gentle landing. That worked.

Of course this morning, I have to hold The Big Horse for the vet, his right eye is puffy and teary, so in addition to the back issue, I have this to deal with.

Oh, did I forget to mention that after having been out of foxhunting for several years, I signed up for a 3 day hunting clinic at the end of the month? Prepaid for the clinic, the stall, the room, everything. I’ve never actually tried to ride while chewing on a Vicodin, but it may come to that. Right now, I’m using DMSO and Cortisone on it. Stinks and burns like hell, but it beats having those spasms. Oh, and of course both my knees are skinned, bruised and swollen and I ruined my best pair of jeans.

I’m considering just starting the Cadi, and turning on my heated seat, sitting in the drive, and self medicating.

You have no idea how glad I am we just bought one of those Tempurpedic Cloud mattresses. It is the bomb, and cuddles you like a big soft warm bowl of marshmellow creme, very supportive and forgiving of my years of sins.

I like this, LOL.
Sorry you’re feeling this way CC, hope you get better soon!