Old News--Metamora CDE

We competed at the Metamora CDE in August. We had a great time, weather was hot, but sunny and clear most of the time. Alyss and Hawk were well behaved, settled in quickly. They stood well to harness and hitch, despite numerous interesting distractions. Thanks National Drive where we had practiced this in the past!

My trailer packing has improved, things were easily located. Did not get chaotic, messy, as in past years. Yay! Waterproof covers helped, not needing to reload in case of rain or heavy dews at night.

Horses were a bit tired for the CT day, too long of a warmup in high humidity. Helped actually because we did not do a long warmup for CDE Dressage and Cones. They looked lots better Saturday. Hard to judge what they need sometimes, it was the same warmup length we had been doing at home and we figured they would be more “up” than they were.

Husband and I had walked obstacles a number of times, had our routes planned in each one. He had driven the marathon course several times, knew the route. He had worked on it the week before when the torrential rain brought down a number of trees! Also had cleared a lot after winter and spring had done their worst to the trails there.

Marathon day seemed to go by so fast! Up early to get rinse water to vet check, explain to our friend helping us when to put ice in the tubs, how to use wet rags, sponge and scrape when we got there. DD showed up about then, so she and friend would be helping with the cooling time.

We got ready, hitched horses, got on our matching shirts, vests, helmets. Made sure everything was secured, extras tucked in under the seat. Watches ready and off for safety inspection. Then to a big holding area before departing on section A. That was a bit of a roller coaster ride, up and down hill, changing lanes in the woods! Then out for Vet check and over to our tubs for cooling. We all poured water, scraped, then I headed them when we switched to iced water! Pretty much no reaction to the colder water, so we could all work on them.

Passed our Vet check before leaving on the next section. This was longer, weaving on and out of trees, hills, obstacles. They Pair were working nicely together, obedient, the power steering was smooth. The obstacles fowed well for us, in and out of gates, no rubs. Something new to us was the paint line to cross between posts for a gate, without actually going deep into the obstacle. A on the water hazard was like that. We crossed the line in a big curve, I yelled “OUT” as the rear step crossed the line and we went back out over the line heading for B. No wet feet. Did C then around the windmill and INTO the water. Guess the horses were surprised at the water again, but no time to avoid it so they jumped into it together! Splashed forward upon landing, then on thru D and out. The other obstacles were fun, it was like their sides were greased. Never touched anything with a horse or carriage which surprised me. We usually get a small rub now and again. Guess all husband’s summer lessons paid off!

Finished in good time, Vet checked again and told to return in 30 minutes because rates were a bit high in the humidity. Just drove to an unused spigot and started hosing them. I love synthetic harness! Watered and scraped, which is how we had practiced, so horses were glad to stand for it. Drove them back for recheck which surprised the Vet, but she was happy with our numbers, they were totally cooled inside and out. We went to the trailer and unhitched, unharnessed and stalled them. They got big drinks and started eating hay. We put stuff away, got some lunch and fed “our crew” lunch too. It was a good day!

We were scheduled for a lesson with Head Judge at 6P. So it was time to harness and hitch again after we all had rested up. Husband wanted a Dressage lesson so they practiced rein holds, whip use and words encouraging FORWARD. Correcting husband’s posture, which was making him give too much rein. MANY details to improve the “big picture” shown to the Judges. I was on the hill taking pictures! Ha ha

Another lesson Mon AM, with more ideas, tips. Sem appeared to enjoy driving them, did it a lot showing husband horses KNEW what is needed, have to drive them right to get it! Husband thoroughly enjoyed his lessons. Came home with ideas for a longer pole and different wedge seat height. He does not have leaning issue on the marathon carriage seat.

It was a great event for us!!


Sounds like an awesome outing for everyone! Hawk & Alyssa included :grin:
Glad you felt Ntl Drive was a good playground.

I’m looking fwd to the Fall Drive & hoping I’m not too late (arriving Thursday) to sign up with any of the clinicians.
I need work on my Dressage as no trainers available in my part of the Midwest :roll_eyes:

I’ll miss you & DH there, but You Do You & maybe we’ll meet at a CDE some day :sunglasses:

Perhaps you can contact the Drive Organizers and get on the Clinician’s schedule now. I have to think there would be a list started before any horse arrival. And get on a waiting list for any cancellations. Asking them early may get results!

Info on the website - PDF - says clinicians can be booked when you arrive “first come, first served”.
Organizers have their hands full getting people checked in, making sure paperwork (Coggins, CVI for out of state) is received.
Over 150 entries last year.
My understanding is clinicians are invited & act independently.
Like vendors.
They are paid by you, not through the office.
Asking about cancellations is a good idea :bulb:
I’ll take my chances :crossed_fingers::sunglasses:
From the site:
(italics are theirs)

Private lessons with the clinicians are at their hourly rates and are scheduled directly with the clinicians after arrival at the park .

Too bad you can’t do anything until you arrive. Sorry. But I can see it from the Organizers side. Not enough people to manage it. Better use of their Team in keeping things on time as planned. And they have quite a few activities to keep them hopping, visitors to deal with! I love the Indiana Drive folks and volunteers there. They do a stupendous job for all us attendees.

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The Sadlers & Wayne(?) do a great & efficient job herding us “cats” so everyone has a great & safe time.

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