Olympic XC course virtual walk

The course coloured in ochre ?

They do this so they can not pick and choose which line to ride. You have to stick to the left or the right, you can’t do bits and pieces of the different lines. I’ve seen this a lot more recently than I remember seeing.


Course Walk App course: https://app.crosscountryapp.com/paris2024/a7c9s6?fbclid=IwY2xjawEQenFleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHbFfU99CsNniknvTxlnrvqnj2eMiutAs0tMk6ogCC1w6GYzpj981hS3Esg_aem_OKUraR3wN4UtJux9qO8WHA

Shows the route too and a few of the lines a bit better. Very cool to see how the course flows!

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No based in CA. Just really enjoy the Olympics (did Rio as well :blush:).
Unfortunately due to the rain they aren’t allowing spectators to walk today, but I’m hoping we can walk on Monday after the competition?

This was the only one I got today:

do you mean no one out tomorrow for cross country?

No, we will be allowed out tomorrow between the galloping lanes, but I’m hoping we can walk the actual course (up to the jumps) on Monday since the XC competition will be over. I’d love to see them up close and see the horses’ perspective and get photos. :blush: