Olympic XC course virtual walk

Is there any kind of preview or virtual course walk for the olympic XC course?

I just saw these! It doesn’t have all the fences & no map, but you can see alot of the fences.

(from spectator point of view) All I have found so far.




Anyone want to have a discussion about the course now that its posted?

15 looks very odd, just an open ditch?
7a looks super steep

I think it is def a championship course, and you better know where you are going in some of the combos, looks like they are numbered so you have to stick to your plan and not use the options.

Other thoughts?

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I am hoping someone will post photos taken at angles so we can see the spreads. And that one 15, yeah, there must be something we can’t see.

Has anyone that subscribes to the hard copy of coth gotten your Olympic copy? I haven’t. But my mail occasionally goes walkabout. And one of my Chronicles this last winter showed up two months late. I thought my subscription had lapsed, but it was just taking a tour of the world or delivered to the wrong address, and someone else read it.

Looks like there are a number of places where transitions between light and shadow could come into play.

I can’t tell what is going on for #5. It looks like the groundline (leaning tree trunk) is too far away from the jump, with the sand in between. Unless it’s meant to be a bounce?

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I’ll be there Saturday if they allow spectators to walk it. I’ll post photos here but lmk if there are any specific jumps you want to see angles of. I haven’t looked at the map yet.

ETA Peter Wylde is there (I think he coaches Boyd) and posted a bunch of photos in his stories today. Doesn’t have the numbers in all of them but great photos: https://www.instagram.com/pwyldeny


thanks! I am curious about the spreads. But I might be better off knowing how wide the spreads are! And the ditch? It is a beautiful course.

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For sure! I’ve just seen Peter’s photos so far, it looks great. We had excellent access when we went to cross country at Rio and we were able to walk the day before which is when the teams were walking. It was super empty and it was a fantastic experience. I’m hoping we at least have the same access in Paris even if it won’t be super empty :rofl:

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Those are false ditches I think because they can’t cut up the ground too much with it being at Versailles.

Those would normally be a fence in that’s placed away from the ground line with a ditch/open water in front.

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you are very lucky to be there! I went to 3 World Championships in the 70s and 80s. It was a wonderful experience. Are you based in Europe?

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Hm, that is a good point about not cutting the ground up. However, I have been told by both Derek di Grazia and Ian Stark not to leave space between a solid groundline and the fence (as in a ‘false’ ditch, dirt, or grass) which could induce a horse to think it should put its feet there - a horrible bounce/chip. I feel like that is well-known amongst course designers, so have to think this was not Pierre Le Goupil’s intention, and that I’m missing something from seeing only one-angle, 2-dimension photos.

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anyone know if the jog is being live streamed?

it is not.

EN said they would be posting jog updates on Threads.

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This takes me to a map that shows me where the toilets and such are. Am I missing something?

Here shows the map & more photos of each jump!


Thank you @leighbo009! That is a great visual of the course.

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thank you for the marvelous photos! These are much more descriptive. But I have a question. I have seen this before , but it is striking here. On fence 21, the first part, A, is listed, in front of the jump, as A B. Then C is followed by D. How can 1 jump be both A and B? There is an alternative, but it appears A is only A, and B is B C.