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Olympics meet up

Anyone going? Have any COTHers (what do we call ourselves?) done a meet up before?

We have tickets to all of the equestrian events and would love some other people to cheer with!

We’ve also got rugby tickets if anyone has those by chance. :grin:

Went to Rio and had an absolute blast. Somehow ended up walking cross country with the Italian, French, and New Zealand teams! Not sure if we were allowed but no one stopped us.

Oh, also caught a loose horse on cross country during competition. Highly recommend. :rofl:


Did you know when you find a horse out in the wild like that, … you get to keep it. :rofl:

There have been CoTH meet ups all over the place. Olympics, Expo’s, Rolex, Royal winter fair, any big show. They used to use a pin to help ID other Coth’ers.

May be repost as the Games draw closer.


I just got my tickets :grin:. So far I’m going alone. It would be great to meet up with other people. I’ve never been to an Olympics before or to France.

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you are going to have so much fun!!

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