On going muscle soreness. Just longer to bounce back from sore muscles with age?

I’m mid 50’s and since the end of june have been having problems with sore left shoulder (the “point” of the shoulder or outer edge). Not sure if there was a particular start to this but it has been ongoing. I am trying to avoid any weight lifting that irritates it (not doing most of my “arms/shoulder” weight lifting at present). Hard to totally avoid activity since I have two horses on the property to care for (moving bales of hay, picking horse poop etc). Now it is even bugging me when I swim (freestyle more than breast stroke). I am sure it will eventually go away but it is certainly annoying. Is it just that it is harder to bounce back with age? Right now I am icing it. Anyone with similar issues or advice to deal with this. Thanks in advance.

Rotator cuff is located where you describe the pain & could be strained or even torn.
Some RC injuries do heal on their own, but can’t hurt to see a Dr.

I developed pain in one arm - not at the shoulder. but the length of the arm, elbow to wrist.
When it began affecting my riding I narrowed cause down to sitting at my desktop.
That arm uses the mouse & I was sitting with it unsupported.
Resolved by adding support with a pillow,

You might try using a sling & see if that helps.
For barn chores get yourself a handcart if you don’t already have one & use that to move bales.
You can heave bales onto the cart & pick stalls one-handed (I managed post-surgery) - takes longer but spares the injured part.

And yeah, IME older muscles/tendons/etc do seem to take longer to heal, even if you are pretty fit.

This yes. As we age (ugh) our bodies take longer to heal and recuperate from any type of “work”. :frowning:

Thanks. I am going to try to minimize use of shoulder for a week, ice regularly and see if that helps. It seems that in the last few years I get “problems” like this that eventually resolve on their own. I wish the process could be faster. I don’t recall any specific action that produced the onset of my shoulder problem… I may try to have doc look at it but I live in the boondocks and I’m not too impressed with this doc.

I take this kind of thing to my very good registered massage therapist. I would say based on the length of pain that you have done something to a tendon or ligament rather than a muscle. Of course an rmt can’t really work on tendons but can work on the surrounding muscles. I would avoid anything that seems to aggravate or hurts more when you do it.

I am suspecting that this is more than a sore muscle since it has been going on for several weeks. I am skipping almost all of my “arms”/chest/shoulders" work out at the gym can still do “butt/legs” and “abs/core/back.” I want to keep swimming and my either just stick to breast stroke (freestyle bothers it more)- or maybe even breast stroke using a kick board to avoid using arms at all. Probably a good time to start walking more. Certain things I can’t avoid like barn chores and everyday things when I have to use my left arm/shoulder. Just frustrating. I know many others have far worse problems/issues. I just hope this goes away soon.

Well I went through this self assessment


I went through all these self tests twice.
No problems with rotator cuff, pinched nerve, arthritis.
I think what may be going on is some AC joint, possible bursitis and impingement (this was most reactive). Hope it is something that physical therapy could help.

I’m going to make doc appointment.

At least I feel better having an idea of what this is.

Arnica Gel on the sore area will help it recover faster. Bananas and anything rich in magnesium will help.

See a doctor so you can get a prescription for PT. Shoulder issues can linger but a good PT can give you the right exercises to strengthen it. Ask me how I know :).


Thanks and from what i have read this can worsen to a torn rotator cuff. I did a bunch of research on internet and the assessments such a “hawkins test” are consistent with shoulder impingement (also known as swimmer’s shoulder) and possible AC issue. seems interesting that this is in left (non-dominant shoulder)- Last time I had a shoulder issue it was in the right shoulder. This is considered an “over use” injury. I’m relieved to know what it is and hope it clears up as soon as possible.

If you think about it, your non-dominant body is weaker. If you expect both sides to work equally then easily the non-dominant side could end up causing more issues :slight_smile:

Hope it heals soon!

I didn’t see this suggestion in the above, but Chiropractic care can really help with the type of pain it sounds like you have. I had a similar shoulder injury, except it was my right shoulder. I fell off a very fresh OTTB a while back and felt super sore with ongoing shoulder pain. I thought I was just sore and needed time to rest. But after a few chiropractor visits I started feeling much better and was able to get back to my daily exercise routine.

Thanks all. I have been doing the PT exercises from various sites on the web and I am not 100% yet but am much improved. I just need to continue doing the exercises even when am feeling better as a preventative. Also icing as much as possible.

I use my horse’s Absorbine gel for any soreness in my muscles and back…I’m in my mid fifties and I figured if it could make a race horse feel great I might as well give it a go. Much better than Biofreeze IMHO. I just have to keep moving as I don’t bounce back the way I used to.

I found that PT really did help with AC bursitis. They can also inject the bursa, though I didn’t have it done. If this is your diagnosis, there are some good options.

But I will say that the shoulder specialists told me that these tests aren’t very specific. They tend to want MRI to make a diagnosis and be sure you’re not dealing with a rotator cuff injury.

A good doctor and physical therapy, massage, yoga and regular workouts/lap swimming have helped this 62-year old body to be more resilient. I do get more stiff from riding if I miss 2 weeks, that seems to be aging, at least with me! I do more hacking and less competing and enjoy it just as much, and ride a quieter horse than years past…My lower back no longer enjoys riding but my mind sure does!