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One Blue Eye

Are there any hunter judges here that could provide some insight if there is any bias against hunters with one brown and one blue eye? Horse in question is bay with some chrome. TIA!

If the judge is close enough to your horse to notice, I’m going to wager that something in your round has gone terribly wrong.


I am going to disagree with @Tha_Ridge in that, I can easily imagine situations where a judge would notice. Certainly I think I would notice, but all things equal, I don’t think it would matter. Certainly in a sea of “bay with chrome” horses, it might be marginally noteworthy. Assuming all else is pretty equal, I don’t think it would make a lick of difference.


I know a very succesful pony hunter with two blue eyes.
I 'm guessing any bias has less to do with eye color & more that blue eyes tend to be most common in breeds that are non-traditional hunter types.

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