one year after total shoulder replacement surgery. l

It’s been a year since my shoulder replacement. All in all I am very happy. My doctor said that it would be a full year before I would stop being painful after riding or just having used it a bit. So lately I’ve had a bit more riding to do. Then I lunged three horses in one day. Shouldn’t have been a big deal but now I am in lot of pain.So, anyone out there that had replacement surgery and is having trouble getting back to normal. My strength is good, I’m 64 but I have always been strong. ??

  1. Ice and rest will set you right.

  2. Get yourself a round pen. Seriously.

I have bad shoulders and have had one relatively minor surgery. I have found that I can ride a horse, or I can tack up a horse, but can’t do both. I have to have a groom. He lunges my horse for me when he needs it. If you aren’t in a position to hire someone, but have horses to work, you really need a round pen.

In the meantime, take it easy and ice!

I am getting a shoulder replacement in mid-December. Own a small farm, trail ride - and can’t use my left arm at all. My surgeon said 4-6 months before I am pain-free and functional. Was he being too optimistic?

Did you work up to lunging 3 horses in one day, or just go out and do it?

Lunging puts severe stress on your shoulder. It’s a complex joint that includes your collarbone and scapula and all of the associated muscles, and when you hold your arm out in lunge position, and then put a 1000 pound tugging horse on the end, you’re weighting the joint with your arm in it’s weakest position. I’d say a round pen is a great idea! Or long lining? If you describe what lunging is like to a good PT, they can suggest ways to strengthen those particular muscles. I can lift things all day, but I can’t lunge for more than 15 minutes without shoulder failure. I’d go easy on it, if you can. Good luck.