Online Equestrian Coaching Survey! - for data collection

So what’s the purpose of the survey? Is it just to get potential clients for a new business venture?

I’m not going to do the survey, but I would say Id only consider online coaching if it got me access to a coach way above or way more specialized than anyone local, for instance maybe someone I had already done a clinic with and wanted follow up.

I’d also add that getting the tech to work, investing in a pivo, getting good internet in the arena, etc, are not always cheap or easy things to set up.

Plus honestly in every sector online about 95 per cent of “coaching” in anything is either outright fraud, or run by people vastly inflating their skills. So I would be unlike to even click on an offer of online coaching from a person I hadn’t previously worked with IRL.


The survey is just to gather data about people’s opinions on this form of coaching. Also, the possibility of outsourcing good local coaches to good riders in remote areas so that they can get online coaching while also having the opportunity to travel to actually see the rider.

So it’s a business plan.

not quite, but the data will be used to develop a business.