Online Fundraiser for Para-Equestrians June 8th


Two-hour Live Web-Televised Event to Raise Money for Para-Equestrians on their Journey to the World Equestrian Games

The Horse Radio Network (HRN) and the United States Para Equestrian Association (USPEA) will host the first ever Para-Webathon on June 8, 2010 from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM (Eastern) via multiple websites. The purpose is to raise money and awareness for the United States Para-Equestrian athletes who are aiming to compete in the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games. All monies will be channeled through the United States Para Equestrian Association to offset the costs of the 10 United States Para-Athletes and their horses.

The Para-Webathon will be a live video event streaming to websites all over the horse world using web video technology that is viewed just like on television. You can watch this event on our website at The call-in number and website address to make donations will be on the website.

The 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games will be the first WEG to offer Para-Equestrian competition. This is a very exciting addition that brings Para-Equestrian to the forefront of the horse world. Unfortunately, the Para teams do not have the resources or sponsors that the other disciplines enjoy. Most of the competitors will have to raise their own funds to attend the WEG this year in Kentucky. For the American team alone this can amount to up to $20,000 per competitor.

The hosts will be Glenn the Geek and Samantha Clark from the Horse Radio Network’s 2010 Radio Show and Para-Equestrian, Susan Treabess. Alltech has kindly donated its studio and technical expertise to host this live event from its studio in Kentucky. We will highlight the stories of these inspirational athletes who are aiming to compete at their first World Championships. Several equestrian stars from across the horse world will be calling in to lend their support and make this a very special event.

Stop by on June 8, 2010 from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM (Eastern) at to watch, participate and donate for this very worthwhile cause. You can help be a part of history as the ParaEquestrians make their first appearance at a World Equestrian Games.

For more information, contact Glenn at the Horse Radio Network for more details at or 443-553-5063 or visit to donate.

The fundraiser is this evening, please consider making a small donation to help our paraequestrian team on its way to the very first World Equestrian Games to include paraequestrian, finally giving this sport and these athletes the same time in the spotlight as their able-bodied peers.
In addition to the contact info above, the call-in number is 1-888-334-2991.
Paraequestrian Team athletes and coaches will be manning the phones, so call in to say hi and make a donation!

This is such a wonderful opportunity to assist our Para Equestrians. I put it in my Blackberry so I remember to call at the appointed time. :slight_smile: Everyone’s support is very much appreciated by these dedicated riders!

Can’t make the webathon, but did make a donation which is very easy to do here: