because you know this had to be happening while I’m riding… and that darn thing would not leave! Even my horse was smart enough to avoid that part of the arena…
What is it eating??
Our farm smells like skunk when the wind blows a certain way. We can’t figure out where it’s coming from - could be across the street.
Cat food. I’ve been putting it all away at night and I thought I had discouraged it.
Guess I was wrong!
I’m sure he appreciates the meal!
Aren’t they cute though? Really too bad they’re so stinky.
You have the cutest barn kitty!
Yes, it is cute. It’s a young one too. When it polished off the wet food remnants, it got up on the hay bales and went after the dry food.
Every time I got too close it stuck its tail straight up! And then backed into my hay bales! I’m like no no no don’t you dare spray my hay! but it was fun to carefully observe!
I had skunks living in my canvas hay storage. The hay always smelled like skunk, but the horses didn’t seem to care. They often smelled like skunk as well, as the scent always seemed to be on the breeze. We found out L’Oreal kids’ shampoo got rid of the skunk odor on the horses and the dog.
Am I weird that I kind of don’t mind skunks living in the barn? They do leave a slightly skunky odor around, but rarely spray where they live in my experience.
Tell that to this little stinker!! about 3-ish weeks ago… maybe bit longer… he did indeed spray in there. It got on a sheet and towels. My poor barn kitties… that’s when I knew I had to not leave any food out at night. For awhile the scent was gone and I thought it had moved on.
We used to have a raccoon, scared the bejeezers out of my BO one morning; well, they scared each other!
Well drat. So much for that idea. I guess I’ve just been lucky!
I’m weirded out that a turkey buzzard can eat THAT roadkill!
probably a heavy Mary Jane aficionado.
Smelled that one time at a high school graduation on the football field.
What do you mean? That’s just Pepe, the barn cat???
I had a family - Ma & 4 kits - living in my barn.
Under the pallets I store hay on.
I never left cat food out after PM feeding & IIRC, had no barncat at the time.
They’d come out at dark, didn’t leave if I came in & I never smelled eau d’skonk in the barn.
The kits would play in the aisle.
If I tried to hustle them out with a broom, they’d stomp at me & threaten to turn around…
Jokes on you, Bebes!
That young they have no ammo.
When I did have my little gray tuxedo barncat, I went out to do nightcheck, bent down to pet what I thought was her come to meet me…
It was not.
I petted a skunk!
Oh my!!!
“Ze moon! Ze June! Ze spoon! C’est l’amour!! C’est toujours!”
PSA for those of us that are older (and don’t smoke it), pot now smells like skunk, so if you smell it regularly when the wind blows a certain way, you probably have a neighbor indulging.
Pot didn’t smell like that when I was young.
They don’t call it skunk weed for nothing!
My dog got sprayed last July. And she got several dawn and hydrogen peroxide bathes but the only thing that worked was Coat Defense shampoo.