My horse has had softer poop and some fecal water the last few days. I chalked it up to her being in heat…usually the only way I can tell she is in season. I bathed her yesterday to get the green slime out of her tail and washed all the lady parts well. Today I go out and her butt is goopy again and looks like there is some blood…really hard to tell so I cleaned up her booty. She acted fine…breakfast long gone and she ate her Outlast which I give her pre-ride so I saddled her up. She gave me a really nice ride. No hitches, reliably in front of the leg. Her usual pleasant self. While I was cooling her down, she pooped which is a bit unusual as she normally doesn’t poop under saddle unless there is some reason to be very nervous. I dismount to pick up the poop and walk past her butt and yuck…blood dripping down her lady parts and all over her tail.
Yikes. I did not drive my truck to the barn so I had to drive home to get it and called the vet who said they would work me in. Get the trailer hooked up and while I am getting her fly sprayed, she shoots out a few fecal balls…perfectly green and normal then a big bloody squirt
She did that 3 times before I could get her to the trailer.
Got to the vet and not a drop of blood in sight. Thank goodness I took pictures from the barn aisle.
On rectal exam, she found no masses. The mare is 20 with some external melanomas on her tail and my fear was that she had an internal one that was bleeding. So, that was good, she didn’t find any tears either so the verdict (best guess) was a ruptured internal hemorrhoid.
Only my horse. She will have a few days off to let things settle and heal. I think there was a little bleeding this morning then our ride upped the pressure in the area and really popped the vein. She has had no feed changes and her poop has been “normal” except for early in the week where she got soft with a bit of fecal water. Who knew?