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Went to the feed store.
I am allergic to dogs and ten times more to cats, so really should not have any.
Well, that doesn’t work too well on a ranch.
We had four dogs and two house cats.
Definitely didn’t need any more, but the feed store took in several kittens when a hoarder’s house was raided that had 90+ cats in one house.
The store had placed them all but this one, now about four months old, that was feral and had attacked and bitten anyone that tried to corral it and was hiding between the feed sacks.

This family wanted the kitten, so I offered to catch him for them.
I had some welding gloves with me, where he could not bite me too much.
Once the family realized that was a wild feral cat, they were scared of it and didn’t want him, so I could not do any other than take him home.

He was a she, spend a few days shut in the bathroom until gentled.
Eventually, I taught her to use the toiled.
She then invented a game of waiting in the mornings until someone had to use the bathroom and then racing you for it and using it first, while the human stood there, legs crossed, saying “cat, hurry, will you?”

Her other cute trick was spending evenings pinning me down to the couch, as only cats can.


My primary home aide client, the Cat Lady (see cats on the job thread), who checks in at 11, informed me yesterday that she has two white kittens coming in a few weeks when they are old enough. Saw them on a looking for homes thread. She doesn’t happen to have a white one and has been dreaming about white kittens. And hey, you couldn’t break up a set of two, could you? Besides, 13 cats can be called a baker’s dozen. :slight_smile: That’s such a nicer sounding number than 11.

Disclaimer: Her cats are healthy, fed, happy, S/N, and regularly deflead; nor does the house smell. She has ample litterboxes.

StGermain - sent you a PM about one of your photos.

All of my three were oopsies.

Terigo – walking through Park City UT with a bunch of my work colleagues after an invigorating (read: scary!) trip down the Olympic bobsled run. We were heading to dinner when we saw an orange kitty standing up looking in the side door of the Cafe Terigo restaurant. Temp was 5 F. I bowed out on dinner to take him home – just for the night – he was too plump to be a stray so SURELY I would be able to find his owners. I really did try. He just turned 16.

Burrito – shortly after I moved to a farm in WA I found a litter of kittens and their mom in a big dog crate in the landlord’s barn. Apparently the landlord’s wife found them, put them in the crate with what I’m sure were the best intentions, and never came back. (That is the farm I am in the process of leaving now, the stupidity and drama never really improved. I should have seen the signs back in 2004). I raised up four kittens – two became barn cats and two became indoor cats. I lost Burrito’s sister a few years back but Burrito is a fine healthy 11-year-old.

Trouve – same farm, same bad feral cat situation in landlord’s barn. I heard a kitten mewing and couldn’t stop myself from going to look. Of course it was a “Siamese” (a Siamese male passed thru the barn years back.) My track record with kittens abandoned by their moms in this barn is not great, since usually there is a reason. In Tru’s case, it was external not internal – she was badly windswept with crooked little hind legs that wouldn’t bear her weight. I bottle-fed her successfully (another first) and her legs straightened out perfectly.

Now we are spending time between homes in a motel room, just the four of us ha ha. I love this crew and don’t regret a single oops. I hope we end up someplace with less drama and stupidity, and fewer poorly-cared-for cats, but if one happens to show up… well…


About 6 years ago I got an email from a teammate that read something like this:

“Had to take engine out of car last night because of kitten. Be in late”

By the time he got to the office we were all deathly curious to know what a kitten had to do with an engine. Let it be known that this was an office of animal lovers (especially cats) so this was the Mystery De Jour

Turns out that he had been at a red light at a major intersection in Dallas (Jupiter Road) the night before. Now this is 3 lanes of traffic one way, a narrow grass median and 3 lanes going the other way. He was in the middle lane. He saw a little kitten SHOOT across the oncoming 3 lanes (and not get smushed), then duck under the standing cars. He and other people got out of their cars to look for kitten, couldn’t find it, determined it had survived and had already fled the scene.

He gets in his car and drives on home.


He pulls over and is like “wtf…am I hearing that?”


Starts driving again.


Pulls over, opens hood, sees kitten wedged into a little space. Can’t get to kitten.

VERY carefully drives home (in the SUMMER), prays kitten does not bake or get chopped to bits.

Lucky for kitten, this guy was a mechanic AND animal lover. He can’t get kitten out of engine so he spends the night taking his engine apart and lifting the block OUT of his car so he can get the kitten free. Kitten is mangy, scrawny and probably about 10 weeks old. It’s a LITTLE kitten. Honestly, how the kitten accomplished any of this is amazing.

He already has 4 cats and 2 dogs, so he’s like “no, I’m not keeping the kitten. Anyone want a kitten?” Nobody could take the kitten.

Guessssssss who kept the kitten? XD

IIRC they named the kitten “Lucky”

I swear. I can’t make this stuff up.

That’s adorable - what a fine guy!

Few weeks ago I went for sushi with some friends. In the parking lot was this young cat. He ran to us chatting away. Besides being friendly, total homeless signs. There was a little debate … Soooooo cat ends up in my truck. Drove home with him on my armrest.

One of the most grateful cats ever. And Didn’t stop eating, I swear for a week.

Fits in with the other loons.

Name is now Sushi.

Few weeks ago I went for sushi with some friends. In the parking lot was this young cat. He ran to us chatting away. Besides being friendly, total homeless signs. There was a little debate … Soooooo cat ends up in my truck. Drove home with him on my armrest.

One of the most grateful cats ever. And Didn’t stop eating, I swear for a week.

Fits in with the other loons.

Name is now Sushi.[/QUOTE]

Reading your story I was going to post “and tell us, did you name him Sushi?” when I read that is just what you did.

When I was a kid I found out a local barn was getting rid of a goat, first come first serve. I was worried the goat would be taken for eating purposes so I took said goat. I was 12 years old, did not even notify my parents who were at work. They came home and I was like “look at my stray goat!”. Yeah we kept the goat, but neither parent was very happy! :lol:

And of course once as a kid I was trick or treating. Knocked on this one person’s door and they plopped a kitten into my witch hat. Yep, trick or treat! Here kid, here is a cat it’s better than candy get lost! Again neither parent was very thrilled but the cat lived with us.

As an adult, well I am very very cautious about the effects animals can have on a person. Both my cats were ferals, and now they are awesome house cats. Cannot have a dog because the last dog I had and lost well I never developed another love like that.