Went to the feed store.
I am allergic to dogs and ten times more to cats, so really should not have any.
Well, that doesn’t work too well on a ranch.
We had four dogs and two house cats.
Definitely didn’t need any more, but the feed store took in several kittens when a hoarder’s house was raided that had 90+ cats in one house.
The store had placed them all but this one, now about four months old, that was feral and had attacked and bitten anyone that tried to corral it and was hiding between the feed sacks.
This family wanted the kitten, so I offered to catch him for them.
I had some welding gloves with me, where he could not bite me too much.
Once the family realized that was a wild feral cat, they were scared of it and didn’t want him, so I could not do any other than take him home.
He was a she, spend a few days shut in the bathroom until gentled.
Eventually, I taught her to use the toiled.
She then invented a game of waiting in the mornings until someone had to use the bathroom and then racing you for it and using it first, while the human stood there, legs crossed, saying “cat, hurry, will you?”
Her other cute trick was spending evenings pinning me down to the couch, as only cats can.