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Opening Ceremony / Marydell Farm Open House/

TIEC has sent an email that there will be an opening ceremony on September 11, in the late afternoon, gates open at 3:30pm and it is free. The requirement is that you register for the event through the ticketing office for staffing and supplies.

Since Marydell is only 3 miles from the WEG general parking, we will be open to the public if you are looking for something to do while you wait for the gates to open. This open house is free to the public and all are invited. This is not a sales pitch, just a “Welcome” to anyone who wishes to see the farm and see the Hanoverian horses that we breed, raise and train. Several National Champions are on site. Our foundation stallion, Don Principe, loves visitors.

Who do we call in advance to visit the farm? Awesome!

Thank you Maryanna for hosting an open house.

No reservations needed

what time do you plan on starting the open house?

10 am til 400 pm

What a lovely idea! Wish I could join you, unfortunately I don’t arrive until the following week.