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Opening & Closing Ceremonies???

Is there any info out there about the Opening and Closing ceremonies? Other WEGs have sold tickets at same time as the competition tickets, but these still don’t seem to be available. Anyone know what’s up?

I got a note that they plan to release the Opening and Closing Ceremony tickets “sometime in July”.

Thanks. This whole ticketing system is utterly bizarre. This is my fourth WEG to attend and I’ve never seen anything like it.


Well, here it is, the last day of July, and still no notice received re tickets for opening/closing ceremonies. WEG starts in six weeks. Tick tock, tick, tock …:stopwatch::hourglass_flowing_sand:

WEG starts in one month. Has anyone heard yet about tickets to opening or closing ceremonies?

Has anyone received their tickets for any of the events? All I have is my receipt from last October.

I received an email with a link to my tickets a few months ago. Seats are not that great, considering I bought them way back at the beginning, but you didn’t get to pick seats.

But, I still don’t see anything for opening ceremonies.

After writing to them they finally sent me some info on the tickets/seats. Our seats kind of suck too considering we bought them pretty much the day they went on sale. There is an option to change seats on the ticket but I think we will end up moving around more than sitting.

I also don’t see anything for the opening ceremonies…

12 days before the Opening Ceremonies are supposed to happen and no tickets have been offered for sale. I did get a note that there would be no tickets needed for the Closing Ceremonies. This is so disappointing.

So unusual for such an event of this magnitude. The organizers were very quick to sell passes last year (of course neglecting to tell us that even though we had tickets to every event during our week pass, that there would be overlap of the events so one had to decide which event to attend

Wow, most of my message never made it through the Ethernet. I had written to the effect that my friend and I finally gave up waiting to possibly buy opening ceremonies tickets and made other plans for that day. I was wondering perhaps the organizers were going to make opening ceremonies by invitation only for big sponsors, invited guests or something. I also didn’t like that events overlap so even if one has a week pass (like me), will have to pick and choose which event to attend, even though we essentially paid for both events.

Well, despite all of our COTH kvetching on the WEG, let’s all go and have a wonderful time. I’m sure there will be some glitches (hopefully minor), but hopefully we will have some great experiences, meet new Horse people, see a pretty part of the country, and have great stories to tell afterwards. And, hopefully, any major “disasters/comedy of errors” will become great stories in the years hence.


I know this is no directly about the opening ceremony. I am still being told there will be one.

Are you in town for the World Equestrian Games on Tuesday, September 11? Looking for something to do while waiting to attend the Opening Ceremony?
Marydell Farm will be open to the public for the day between 10 AM and 4 PM. We are only 3 miles from WEG general parking and 10 miles from the venue.
Come and visit with Don Principe, Grand Prix dressage stallion and the Marydell Farm Champion offspring. From foals to mature horses, we can answer your questions about breeding and performance of our Hanoverian horses.


Just got a letter from our tour leader and so far he has no info on opening ceremonies, and he thinks closing ceremonies have been cancelled !!!

I have to remember back to the months and weeks prior to the Olympics in Rio. The US media had everybody convinced it would be a disaster, there were security concerns, Zika virus, etc. Well guess what? We went, and had the MOST fabulous time. Loved Rio and the Games were amazing.

We have passes for the Dressage. I have high hopes that this event will also prove allt the naysayers wrong.


Looked on the WEG official website tonight and Opening Ceremonies are scheduled for Tuesday evening, but nothing about ticket availability or procurement. In full disclosure, I haven’t looked at the official site in quite a while, so maybe it has always been listed.

The official schedule lists Opening Ceremonies and Closing Ceremonies, but no start times. Everything else has exact start and finish times.


Opening Ceremony tickets are now available to reserve for ticket holders. First come, first served.

The opening ceremony sounds like it’s a country music concert introduced by the president of the FEI and the NC governor. Plus maybe some marketing by Bellisimo. Am I missing anything?

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It did say something about other performances and demonstrations. Doesn’t say if they are equine or not.

I am not a country music fan, and neither is my friend, so we will probably not go.