I have had a fair few saddles from different brands for my boy in the three years I have had him so far at least one model from each brand, I had two devocouxs that I tried, a couple different CWD models and I think just one of the other ones (Devocoux, Voltaire, Pessoa, CWD, Antares, Butet, Stubben, Wintec) I think that’s all lol, a lot of reselling used saddles, some I tried lasted only a weeks trial, others I had for a few months, or longer, max length 10 months with one saddle, the Stubben. The Stubben was too narrow and I was told by the rep that I would have to have the tree at least 2 sizes too narrow in order to scape out some wither clearance and after getting new panels put on it, it was making him very backsore. I kind of fell into having the Albion fitter out earlier this year, a barn friend was having her come out to help her with fitting issues with her CWD and my fitter is not just Albion, she works with a few different brands and comes across more like an independent fitter, anyway she is amazing and we spent 4 months going back and forth finding out which model and tree worked getting to keep a model to try for a while and got to sit some raw trees on my horse. If you want something from Albion with a longer straighter tree point, the K2 is going to be your best bet, it offers the best wither clearance for a prominent wither based on the raw tree and where the panels are set, its wool flocked and much more open through the pommel. The K2 isn’t a mono flap but I have found the flap to be very close contact either way, prior to the K2 I was riding in the K4 mono flap and I find the feeling difference minimal. It is also a more medium seat, not flat unless you want to go with a CC tree. I really like the quality, I found one used from the Saddle Bank in the UK because I knew exactly what to buy for it to fit my horse and its a newer model but quality on it and the demos has been excellent. I hope this helps and best of luck!