Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

That mare looks terrible. No horse should be in that condition, much less a pregnant mare.


Hey guys, who had ā€œitā€™s not my faultā€ on the bingo card?


Just call me ā€œBingoā€ Pony



Hereā€™s the thing. This person keeps having horses turn up in terrible condition in location after location.

I get if you are kind of a newbie in the horse world and it happens to you once. People are naive and trust sometimes when they shouldnā€™t. But this breeder has it happen over and over and keeps letting it happen.

When she is gone, there is obviously no second line of defense locally checking up on things for her. Especially with a brand new employee, that is unconscionable. Who hires a farmhand and then disappears for a month assuming they are doing the job!!! Why not pay a friend to go over every few days and check in, make sure the horses are fed and have water, etc. WHY!?

i would never let that happen! I travel a lot, and make sure I have multiple lines of communication back home keeping tabs. Itā€™s my responsibility.


Genuinely wondering how this person can sleep at night. I simply cannot imagine the type of person she must be to continue living with herself and ducking all responsibility


Her recip mares always look terrible. Itā€™s sad.


@Tha_Ridge Especially when she sells hay. Really nice hay from the looks of it. Obviously she isnā€™t feeding it to her horses in sufficient amounts. WTF. Sometimes I canā€™t stand some horse people.

I honestly struggle to keep my horses from being too fat, half the farm is on a ā€œdietā€ because they are trending too high in BCS. How do you even get horses to look like that!?


That was me and Bingo!! One of my little pleasures on COTH trainwrecks is predicting what people will say when their lies get called out.

Poster up thread notes that this breeder posted a sales photo on her own FB page that shows a scary thin broodmare with the newborn foal. If this was on a horse rescue site saying mare came from a hoarder or low end auction or AC seizure everyone would be OMG poor thing!

So these foals are getting suboptimal prenatal nutrition and the recipient mares are being neglected.

And the breeder posted this photo without even seeing that there was a problem.

This suggests to me there is systemic neglect of the horses throughout her foal mill operation, and she only ā€œnoticesā€ when she is called out on it. And then itā€™s someone elseā€™s fault.

If this was local, our rather over zealous SPCA branch would be all over her. Not sure how it works in the deep South.

Her breeding operation looks more backyard hill billy every day.

These supposedly ā€œhigh valueā€ horses are being kept in extremely low value situations and yes this is a huge red flag to anyone buying one. If momma was starving and came out of pregnancy a 3/10 body score, the foal could well have issues if only stunted.


Iā€™m very surprised that anyone would pay 25K for that foal. The picture of the foal when she dropped it off is what Iā€™m going by.

People do terrible things to horses in the name of greed, but this neglect is truly beyond the pale.


I expect she sold by video or even in utero.

Or maybe it was a raffle.

Sheā€™ll be sitting for the Florida bar exam soon, too!


Poor poor poor little guy. My heart bleeds.

I hate to say this, and I donā€™t know how old he is and my knowledge is from sooo long ago and veterinary has come such a long way, that I sincerely hope I am wrong.

If he has not been wormed. Forget it. You will spend time and money hand over fist and he will look great and one day he will go downhill and the vets wonā€™t be able to do anything.

Spend your time on money on something else.

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Says she online

Last time she was on here threatening to ā€œsueā€ us all that was scheduled for what? Fall 2021 or something? Imma gonna get yer ass once Iā€™m a reallllll lawyer. Not holding my breath here.


All those babies in the screen shot look wormy. I know even nice babies have a gangly phase, but they shouldnā€™t be potbellied.


Yes, sorry my advice was not just for the one foal, for all of them. I reread. That was my mistake and that was taught to me as a youngster by good horsemen.


I went to the FB page and read the comments. The breeder confirmed the buyer for the foal purchased in utero. So they are kind of out of luck buying a starved unwormed foal out of a starved recipient broodmare when they no doubt thought they were getting a ā€œbargainā€ on a jumper from a trendy stud.

I was amused but mehhh about the harness horses being palmed off as high end riding horses. Buyer beware if you canā€™t see bone angles. But selling in utero and starving mare and foal to save a few dollars really is criminal as well as serious horse abuse that could set the foal up for a lifetime of issues or even early euth.

I really donā€™t think she should be in business.

This is magnitudes worse than her just being a FB Trainwreck.

What do you do if your $25,000 in utero ā€œhi-klassā€ foal turns out to have had the pre and post natal nutrition of a feed lot rescue case? Do you go.for a refund and return the foal to the abuser? Do you keep the foal and shoulder the vet bills but ask for a refund?


Same, and I live in the same part of Florida as her, and have sh***y hay, and the grass is getting poor. My mares get a handful of hard feed, and the gelding gets a handful plus a pinch. And they could all stand to lose a couple pounds. Itā€™s attention and management that keeps weight on horses. There is no reason outside of neglect for her horses to be that poor looking. None.


I agree. Thereā€™s absolutely no excuse for this neglect or for the volume of questionably bred foals.
This woman has no business breeding horses. Poor babies. It makes me sick.


Which one of those foals is the emaciated one again?


Kate is claiming on FB that she offered a full refund on the foal. If thatā€™s true, and I was the buyer, Iā€™d take that money and not look back. Poor baby.