Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

How does someone tout their own program but then not lay eyes on the horses in said program for long enough for horses to fall into this condition.

This is a sticking point for me: I know, of course, that absentee owners are a thing. But if you run your own breeding program and you purportedly are active in the scene, marketing, selling, etc - how are you not laying eyes on your horses for long enough that they fall into this condition? “I paid someone to do the work, but they didn’t do the work” … Okay, but for anyone with their own breeding/sales program - to not see the horses in your program for long enough that you do not catch that the person you are paying to take care of them, isn’t taking care of them?


From Kate (Kathryn) Shearer’s public facebook 2022;

All foals KWPN Papered; due 2023

Reba x Jackaroo-awaiting fetal sex; due July 18 (18k)

Awaiting pregnancy confirmation: Kannan, Halifax, Con Capilot, Heartbreaker
Semen available full frozen doses: Roc USA, Ut Majeur de Brecey, Cassio’s Picasso KD, Carmague, Small Social
Semen available fresh contracts: Prototype, Nuit d’Emerald HMS, Finnick, Coronado

Reba x Ogano Sitte-fetal sex colt; due March 7 (18k)

Reba x For Pleasure-fetal sex filly; due March 14 (22k)

Chanel(Magnum Psyche) x Jaleet-no fetal sex; due April 1 (12k)

Reba x Cornet Oblensky-no fetal sex; due April 1 (16k)

Reba x Comme il Faut-no fetal sex; due April 12 (16k)

Val(Vaandrager) x Chicardo-no fetal sex; due April 22 (12k)

Bianca(Teo) x Royce-no fetal sex; due April 22 (16k)

Reba x Emerald-no fetal sex; due May 1 (18k)

Reba x DeNiro-fetal sex colt; due May 12 (25k)

Evie(Graaf Kelly) x Casquino-no fetal sex; due May 16 (12k)

Trixie(Ivamor) x Chacco Blue 2; due May 29 (14k)

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Exactly. No professional, proper, educated breeder operates in this manner.

In my opinion , no educated breeder would continue to use the bloodstock that is producing the conformation present in these foals, to produce sporthorses.


Yes, it was one thing to see or watch her ‘antics’ - the targeting, the one-up-manship, the know-it-all attitude and her enjoyment of [perceived] self-promotion BUT what we are seeing here is atrocious, dismal and wanton neglect. The various images in this thread, including the weanling first mentioned but going on to the recip mares and that poor, dear little BABY with practically no turn out, imbalanced feeding, contraptions around it’s baby neck… and the poor little mite with his/her contracted tendons… The whole sorry mess is so far beyond what we may have perceived as the ego driven engagements of a train-wreck thread. I dearly hope there is some hope or way out for these poor animals.


There will probably not be any good way out for these foals. Perhaps someone who can afford to take pity on them, and will be willing and able to take on a potential pasture pet, because of someone else’s ignorance in breeding sporthorses?

Unlikely though. I’m not alone here, not by far, when I say that I am so sick of these people who have no morals, scruples, decency, or education, yet continue to put out to the public that they should spend 5 figures, for what seems to be to me, wonky foal conformation.

Poor little weaners and their Dams. Kate (Kathryn) Shearer you should be ashamed. If you aren’t , go back to school.


How do you intentionally breed an animal and then allow the pregnant mare to be malnourished? Then expect to get top dollar for the resulting foal?


All very much on point, Skydy. The “business model” here is contingent upon some loosely constructed off-site program going for the big bucks, the least important of which is the welfare of the animals.

Oh, she was away working, though. Where was that, Gilligan’s Island? How long was she marooned there?


It all seems to be so unkind to the little weaners, and so money grubbing.


I was glancing back through the other on the same breeder thread and there was so much I had forgotten or skimmed over

At one point the breeder says her foals got good comments at the warmblood evaluation but comments they were small. She blamed this on them having late birthdays, but in hindsight it’s just as likely the previous batch of foals were malnourished in utero, and after.


Yes. And my heart goes out to the mares too.

I wonder what will happen to them? Nobody is going to pay her prices for foals whose development has been so obviously compromised by malnutrition both prenatal and now. And obviously lack of basic care. If her model is selling in utero but she still has multiple yearlings for sale, that suggests her market is already soft. Will they just all slowly waste away on some barren back lot? Will they get seized and go to rescue homes?

Edited to add: she has removed all mention of this on FB. At least we have it screen shotted here. I wonder if @Kasheare will ever come back here to try to make excuses to us?


No, that is 12 days of NO FEED on top of months of poor feeding. I bet she “just happened” to forget to pay her board bill that month (and several months prior). In addition to getting on the “do not accept anything except CASH” list at all the local feed suppliers. Betcha Kate kites checks too.



She’s been threatening to get out of breeding every few months since she started. I’ll believe it when I see it.


It’s always someone else’s fault. She’s always the “victim”.

None of her horses, based on the photos and videos that occasionally come across my social media feeds, ever look to be in great shape. Ever.


It’s particularly alarming because she claims to be at the top venues braiding very very nice horses who are definitely not in the same condition as hers. How willfully oblivious do you have to be, or how poor of an eye do you have to have, to not understand that your horses look nothing like the ones you’re braiding?


How does turning anything out with a rope tied around it’s neck prevent it from jumping out? It would just be on the other side with the rope tied around it’s neck. It’s jumping out because it’s HUNGRY. Maybe put it in a 20 acre grass field with the 15 other weanlings, it probably won’t jump out then. I’ve driven by Spy Coast weanling fields a LOT and I’ve never seen anything trying to jump out there. And I would say they are breeding pretty good jumping horses :wink:


Based on my past experience with another situation, I’d suggest that people who are that self absorbed can infinitely justify their own shortcomings. If we are cataloging mares in rough shape, here’s another one. I will say that I’ve heard from several breeders that the recipient mares from EMS arrive looking like hell, so that part may be justified, but you would hope that in however many months they’re with the breeder that you can fatten them up some.


Yes and their young horse field board is 1250 a month. Hard to have that kind of setup renting dry stalls at a race training track.


Is Reba the skinny grey?

So in one year she bred her to SIX very $$$ stallions, and she didn’t carry any of them. Someone better at math help me!

Purchase price of Reba- let’s assume 0

Semen (assuming everyone catches on the first try)
Oganno Sitte 1350
For Pleasure 2500 ISCI only
Cornet Oblensky 1250
Comme il Faut 2500 ICSI only
Emerald 1,275
DeNiro 2,250

ET x 6 60,000
Recip mare rental x 6 15,000
board 450 x 12 x 6 32,400

I’m at 120k ish BEFORE hay/ feed, shipping from AZ, ANY emergency vet bills, farrier for trims, deworming, travel to her beloved keurings, shavings/ straw, vaccines, coggins, preg scans, etc. I would say she’s at closer to 300k JUST for this one year breeding. On a braider salary. Something isn’t adding up.


Bianca, one of the ICSI donor mares, on September 26.