Hi! I’d like to get some opinions on a filly I’m potentially going to be owning. She was born June 17, so a little over a month now. Beautiful chestnut filly, will be able to be double register quarter horse and paint. I am the breeder’s farrier and have the opportunity to have her at a pretty sweet deal.
However, there’s a couple things I’m looking to get some more opinions/education about. This filly was a product of an accidental father/daughter breeding. I’ve talked to a couple different people on this matter, including the breeder, who said that if an inbreeding happens once in a lineage it’s ok but can never ever happen again, and if the progeny is a colt it must be gelded and if it’s a mare intended for breeding the breeding must be very carefully done to prevent more inbreeding. However I’ve talked to other people and they say absolutely not, pass on it, inbreeding is horrible and I’m going to end up with issues. So, opinions on that would be helpful
My second question here, and please be gentle on this one I’ve met her once. Mom was amazing letting me be around her and handle her. I was there to do a trim and shoes on Mom, I was working alone. As soon as I went around Mom the baby just went at me, mouth open up on two legs then turned around tried double barrel kicking. No amount of yelling, waving my arms and last resort smacking her to try to get her to stop, would make her stop. She was absolutely relentless to the the point that being by myself, I was more worried about my safety, I climbed the stall door to get out. Is this something that is a result of the breeding? Or just lack of handling? Is there any tips or anything anyone can give me moving forward? I would really hate to pass on this foal because it’s just such a good opportunity for me, and I’ve ridden and worked with plenty of hot horses but I just need some good constructive opinions. I will also include links to her parents papers (scroll all the way down) . She has Zippo Pine Bar on her mothers side and some pretty nice ones on her fathers side. Thank you everyone for reading and for your opinions. Honesty is appreciated but please, be gentle
This is my first baby and my first mare, I currently have 4 older geldings