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Opinions please! Ramm auto horse waterer-drinking post waterer for stalls

Hello all!

I’m building a barn soon and trying to find the best NON-ELECTRIC automatic waterer for my stalls. Anyone use the auto post waterer from Ramm? I have 2 Bar-Bar-A waterers in cattle pasture and they are phenomenal…I couldn’t love them more, but are too large for horse stalls. I live in PA and past few winters have been very cold, temps down to -15.

Any comments/suggestions are greatly appreciated!!

Thank you

Auto waterers are great as long as they are working. I don’t use them anymore because if they clog up or go dry for some other reason (we’re on a well and sometimes the pump goes out), the horse only has about a pint or so of water. I suppose that’s not a big problem if you’re out there checking every couple hours, but I’m too afraid of the horse colicking. I keep a half barrel full of water in addition to the waterer just in case the auto-waterer stops working.