OptiWize & 100X

Hello… Been seeing a lot of ads pop up on my Facebook feed for both 100 X and Opta wise for any type of lameness, soft tissue, navicular, laminitis, etc. wondering if anyone has used either one and found them to be worthwhile

100X is aggressive flashy marketing and outlandish claims with virtually nothing to back them up. They cherry-pick from studies that are vaguely related to their active ingredients and use that as “evidence” that their supplements work. I got suckered by the FB ads in 2021 and tried GutX on my TB for about 3 months. No noticeable change whatsoever.

A barnmate spent a small fortune on OsteoMax thinking it was the wonder cure the company would have you believe. Nada, zip, zilch as far as results. My vote would be steer clear of 100X - there are lots of other options on the market.

I can’t comment on OptiWize as I’ve never used it.


That’s what I was figuring …so far my boy with navicular is doing ok on isoxuprine and either bute or Equioxx …would like to get him off those drugs if possible

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One of SOs clients is a nutritionist and doesn’t like that 100x has no real science, just goes off other peoples sciences and then isn’t forthcoming about their research process. I’m in marketing - I hate their marketing.

I will say, SO is a skeptic, but I got some free samples from a sponsored trainer friend (free samples as in full 30 day trial bottles). We tried it on my horse and saw a noticeable difference. We did the GutX and OsteoMax combo. In 30 days, he shined like a penny, he wasn’t as flinchy, wasn’t snap crackle popping as much, had put on weight, and he felt sounder under saddle (arthritis, bad confirmation, bad feet - means he doesn’t always feel the best and that’s why he’s in a forever home with us). Our feed regime hadn’t changed at all during usage. We were very careful not to change anything during the trial, including injections or farrier work.

SO even mentioned the difference. We did the same experiment on his horse when he came back from the trainer, and again we saw a difference.

I will say - we don’t use it when the horses aren’t in full work/training. It’s just not worth the money when they are being pasture broncs. However, we do both believe something in those products works for our horses with our feed routine.

IT’s not for everyone. I know some friends have had zero luck with it. However, its important to remember that once supplement or two supplements aren’t going to be a cure all for the horses. GutX doesn’t advertise to cure ulcers and it’s not going to cure ulcers. OsteoMax isn’t going to make a horse that needs injections 100% sound, no matter what their customers claim. So it’s about going into with an open mind for me, and being realistic in expectations.