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orchard, timothy or alfalfa hay within 2 hours of Savannah, GA

I am looking for a source of timothy, orchard grass or alfalfa hay within 2 hours of Savannah (I am located 1 hour west of savannah). Would like to find a dealer to buy from or would be happy to chip in and split a load…probably would not need more than 100 bales if I split a load. Thanks!

I am above Macon, Ga, and I will need some timothy/alfalfa/orchard hay by winter. My 26 year old love horse had colic surgery this past winter, caused by a wicked costal impaction! So if you find any, let me know!

i know i am further away but have about 10 tons of beautiful orchard/alfalfa hay for sale. 75 pound bales. 60%orchard 40% alfalfa.405.00 a ton or 14.00 a bale

The owner of my local feed store also owns a hay company, J&J Hay Farm (or something like that). Even though they’re located about 45 miles north of Atlanta, they make deliveries literally all over the SE. Try giving them a call and see what kind of deal he can give you. I know J&J has a separate phone #, but not sure what it is. The feed store is Cherokee Feed 770-887-0440, and I’m sure they’d be happy to help you. Good luck!