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Order of Go?

I cant seem to find the order of go for each event… any help?

looking for the same thing.

I tweeted Samantha Clark and here you go!


thanks… still looking for something that will allow me to know who is who as i watch the video archive? it looks like the start list disappears once they go?

thanks… still looking for something that will allow me to know who is who as i watch the video archive? it looks like the start list disappears once they go?[/QUOTE]
Yes it does.

I copied the dressage ride time list into an MS Excel worksheet (paste-special - text.) So I have the order by name … but thanks so much for that link that has the individual XC ride times!

When I was paying attention I added the video hour/minute marker at the start of rides, so I know where to go for replay.

Also once I had it in MS Excel I was able to customize said list with bolds, colored highlights and fancy attention-getters for the ones I especially wanted to see.

Not that this was NBC’s plan of communication … :slight_smile:

care to share ?


I can’t get either link…:confused:

I got it! Thanks.

sorry, i am looking for the dressage times…

thanks for posting the xc :slight_smile:

Thanks for the cross-country link. I was looking all over this afternoon for the dressage order.

Why in the world aren’t they posting it on the equestrian section of the nbc website? :confused:

If anyone finds the order for the stadium rounds, please post here!


Thanks for the cross-country link. I was looking all over this afternoon for the dressage order.

Why in the world aren’t they posting it on the equestrian section of the nbc website? :confused:

If anyone finds the order for the stadium rounds, please post here![/QUOTE]

It is on the NBC site. Go to Results & Schedules, then select Monday, and scroll down to Equestrian. They’re on their site here. It looks like the same order they went in for dressage.

I do not see orders of go up yet for straight Dressage, which starts Thursday, or regular Showjumping.

sorry, i meant eventing dressage order of go for both days…

Yes, what MBM says, so that when I watch the video stream, I have some hope of finding the rides I want to watch.

I wish it was like evententries.com. :slight_smile:

Isn’t the order of go for dressage and XC the same, as is customary?

Glancing at the list, it appears to be…

the time list (who goes at what time) would be of great help figuring out who is who :slight_smile:

Order of go for Stadium?

Am I correct in thinking that Stadium will go in reverse order of current standings, barring any eliminations at the jog? Need to know (approximately) when I’ll be able to grab the schedule, so I can plan my on-the-sly viewing at work.

(I also have to decide if I want to set the alarm clock for 4:30 AM… I am so not a morning person, but this just might be worth it! :D)

I cannot open any of the links. I’ll go to the NBC site, thanks for including that information. [ The WEG site leaves alot to be desired by anyone who knows ‘equestrian’.]

Yes, traditionally Stadium goes int reverse order of standing.

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this is left over from London Olympics so these links are less useful.

But no, I can’t find a leader scoreboard either…

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longinestiming.com seems to be working well for scores and orders of go, for the most part, but sometimes I get a message that the page isn’t available.