Hey everyone…i’ve been battling with this problem for about 2 years and I wanted to see if anyone else has the same condition.
Last July I was diagnosed with Osteitis Pubis, inflammation of my pelvis. The doctor said it was most likely cause by riding. This inflammation pretty much cripples my life when I feel sick; I can’t do anything! I have missed shows due to flair ups, as well as everyday things. I took a course of anti-inflammatories after I was diagnosed and that helped for a while, then it came back.
I took it easy this winter with limited riding, mostly due to the weather. Yesterday was the first time I had ridden 2 horses in a while, and I didn’t do much, just walked and trotted both of them. Needless to say as I’m writing this I’m not feeling great.
I event and I ride a very energetic horse, so I have to ride 5-6 days a week. Its gotten so bad that i’m about to throw in the towel when it comes to competitive riding.
Has anybody been diagnosed with this problem? If so any suggestions that work for you? I’m tired of being restricted by it and missing out on life! Feel free to PM me!