Osteoarthritis in big toe

Well my big toe has been bugging me on and off for about 20 years. It was x rayed perhaps 15 years ago and I was told it was a bunion. It was x rayed about a week ago and the podiatrist told me it is osteoarthritis. On the x ray there is space between the foot and toe bones on all of my toes… except the big toe- no space at all. Anyone have this issue? Anyone end up getting surgery for it? I would greatly appreciate any information. Thanks!

If they recommend big toe fusion, I had it done and it is remarkable how well one walks when a big toe no longer bends! I didn’t have it done for osteoarthritis (though I do have some), but for other reasons. I can tell you how it affects your life, let me know.

Right now I don’t think I need surgery but eventually I might. Apparently they are working putting in artificial cartilage which would be fine with me. I still want to be able to run a marathon some day.