OT - Off Topic ????

Why is this marked Never?

wondered that myself…

Never _____________ again?

I’m sure it’s just one of several ways to lock the forum in Mod 1’s absence. Locking each thread wasn’t working since there were folks who had to go in and challenge the system. Now it’s password-protected, probably just temporarily.

I hope it’s just temporary. As one of the guilty, I’m willing to be banished for a round of OT so that everyone who followed the rules doesn’t have to suffer.

Oh, goody…
Thank you for closing the barn door after the horses got out…
Really, I mean it…

Big of you…now…

I wasn’t the first one or the only one.
But apologies usually come after someone does something, not before.
I hope that you enjoy being perfect. I wouldn’t know.

I think they just deleted the posts from OT Day, as typically happens a couple days after it is over, but did not delete the forum itself (maybe the temp. mods don’t know how.)

Therefore, the last post was made “Never” as there are no posts in there.

Good god people, relax. People posting in a forum with locked threads is hardly riot worthy. Some people are far too uptight in their daily lives if they freak out because “OMG! Someone posted in the closed forum.”

Myself included, I’d imagine most intended it in light humor. MOD #1 is obviously not offended and laughed about the forum locking issue in the other thread regarding this, so perhaps those who are offended need to get their panties out of a wad and go for a ride on a horse to remember the priorities in life. I can assure you no one is going to look back in 10 years and remember the day the mod accidently left the forum open and people posted in it…

edited to add - this came out hugely harsher sounding than intended, but seriously. relax. :slight_smile: