She went fine. BUT she continued her habit of sticking her tongue out. I KNEW it wasn’t the bit! I need to video this to show to the dressage judges.
My old Standardbred sticks his tongue out whether he’s in a rope halter, his Dr. Cooks, his fancy Myler curb, his cheapo Weaver’s curb, or his peppermint-flavored happy mouth. He’s ‘goes’ best in the Dr. Cooks because it doesn’t tempt him to grab on and lean into it, like in his old race days, so, it does accomplish relaxation. But, that tongue flaps no matter what :lol:
My OTTB was also one to stick his tongue out. I had to use a flash on him to keep his tongue firmly in his mouth.
She seems to stick her tongue out more when she is excited. And she was excited because there was another horse on the trail ahead of her, by a lot, not someone I was riding with, just someone further down the trail. I was very happy that she was good in the Dr. Cook. I had brought a regular bridle along just in case but didn’t end up needing it : )