OTTB Weird Stomach/Flank Shape

Back in November of 2024 I took in an OTTB that had retired that July at the age of ten. I knew he was dealing with chronic abscesses and definitely needed to put weight on…

That’s pickup day… shortly after I noticed he had a weird lump in his stomach… I had him vetted, treated for ulcers but the vet was not at all weirded out by the shape in his stomach. This shape is consistent on both sides. Hes ticklish so doesn’t like being fondled in general :joy: so this spot isn’t necessarily any different when being touched that he is anywhere else.

Today he looks fabulous and has gained weight but at certain angles I can still see this lump :face_with_raised_eyebrow::thinking:

Should I get a second opinion? The vet was not worried at all but I’ve never had a horse that looked like that. Any advice or “calm down he’s fine” would be much appreciated! :joy::+1:t4:

I knew what the shape was going to be before I opened this thread because my one horse had the same thing! She was standardbred, not TB. She was also a retired broodmare, so I wondered if something never bounced back from pregnancy (not helpful in your case).

I can’t seem to find a good photo but I’ll keep searching.

I have no idea what it was. But she was euthanized last fall at 20 after a couple years chronic, non-descript discomfort that my vet and I could never completely resolve. Was it related to the weird flank shape? I have no idea. My vet didn’t seem to think so.

Hoping it’s completely unrelated to your handsome boy’s flanks.

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I had a TB mare with that same conformation. Vet said just a normal variant.

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Since he obviously had a career as a rodeo bronc at some point, maybe it’s related to the flank strap.

Sorry - couldn’t resist.

But seriously, I can understand why you’re curious yet he certainly moves well and feels good. I’ll be interested to hear what the OTTB experts on the board have to say.

Enjoy him! Sit tight!


We had one with it too! Weirdly - could never get her in foal. Super racehorse, super well bred mare.

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It’s a very hard photo to find online :joy: I’ve searched everywhere to find something similar! So sorry to hear about your horse :grimacing: hopefully it’s not related!

I feel a bit more reassured seeing others have dealt with a similar conformation! Being a gelding, I know the pregnancy option is out :joy: I don’t think he’ll have much luck in that department regardless haha

@Huntin_Pony is probably right! His ol rodeo career got the best of him :joy:

Beauty is he’s moving sound and haven’t dealt with anything major! His belly just catches me off guard at times :joy:

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Nothing to add other than he’s lovely! :blush:

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Thank you! He’s a blast! He had time off to unwind after racing and just plump up. Just now restarting and going very slow but I’m just thrilled with him every day!

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