Our equine partners...let's give them a little bit of the limelight!

Lost My Sock A.K.A:Beautiful is a 10 yr old paint mare whom I do Hunters on…Beautiful has some TB in her witch can make her hot a times.

Geek - Ted is just lovely!!![/QUOTE]

:yes: I agree!

I have the same kind of thoughts sometimes, about what my horses might have been capable of under a better rider/trainer. But I always remind myself that horses measure “success” in different ways than we do :winkgrin:

And as I frequently remind Ted: “What other mother camps out in cold drizzly weather so their horse can graze on grass on the property? What other horse has their bit warmed every time the temp drops below 60oF? What other horse gets peeps every day? What other mother lets their horse roll in the indoor, even if wet, and then scritch on demand afterwards? Only a mother that loffs them.”

Not that he is much impressed by my ramblings.


Here is my best boy - Jeffrey (Orchard Hill Diamond Drop), my RID. He is and is just the love of my life… He takes great care of me (for the most part lol), and is so much fun. I just wish I could ride him more so that he can reach moe of his potential. We are back taking lessons, and I hope to really start showing him more over the winter.

Jeffrey and his “mini-me” Toodles:

winter shot:

in action with a trainer:



Me up:

witherbee- he’s gorgeous!!

Thanks - he’s my dream horse and my best buddy!

Tell us more about him. What is his breedng? I have a RID, too. He has a wonderful personality and a mini side kick, too.


Ted is so very handsome :slight_smile:

Although, I do have a really really big soft spot for dark-bay-no-white-OTTBs!

Here is Twiggy, we just recently did our first schooling show. She has taught me so much about myself, and about riding. Just a great friend to have around!

I loved all your stories and pictures. After I had the stroke and recovered well enough to ride, my boy and I rode all over the track and the trail which we cannot do today. He took care of me then. He could have easily lost me off his back but was just so wonderful when I needed it.

Twigster - I had to laugh!!! Not only do you have an all dark bay no white OTTB (albeit a mare) - you are using the Lettia skull and crossbones saddlepad!

I will try and get a picture of us tomorrow, in our clinic, I am debuting our same saddlepad there.

[QUOTE=DressageGeek “Ribbon Ho”;4469317]
Twigster - I had to laugh!!! Not only do you have an all dark bay no white OTTB (albeit a mare) - you are using the Lettia skull and crossbones saddlepad!

I will try and get a picture of us tomorrow, in our clinic, I am debuting our same saddlepad there.[/QUOTE]

I really need to get me one of those saddle pads…

:lol::lol::lol: She’s got the matching polos too, but we took them off for our classes. I bought that pad the first time I saw it at the LTS… never thought I would spend that on a saddle pad!

I consider it a throwback to my wilder days…once a punk rocker, always a punk rocker:cool:

Looking forward too seeing pics of Ted!

ETA: and have a great time at your clinic!

ooooo…maybe I need one of those pads for the big red mare. I am always so conservative. Well, I guess I should say I try to be conservative unless pink is involved. I really need a mare of a different color. Roo doesn’t carry off the pink look too well, but I think she would rock in a skull and crossbones pad!!!

Good luck in the clinic with Mr. Ted. I want you to call me with every last detail. I hope you have an absolutely fantastic time. I hope the evil virus has left you :slight_smile:

Well, Ted is very up - after all, the pasture is a bog, they have to pick their way so carefully, and he just wants to go go go! But not so much me - I had problems on Wednesday figuring out which stirrup leather was backwards, that is how clueless I was. My trainer asked for a turn on the haunches and all I could do was blink and go, “Whaat?”

HannahsMom- its great when our animals just “know” isn’t it? They are so intuitive, and always there when we need them.

Invite- I think Roo would look smashing in a skull and crossbones pad!:smiley:

But (and I am such an enabler…) there is a pink one with palm trees…:eek:


Geek- at least Ted will be in front of your leg;) Have lots of fun with all that energy, and I will try to be patient until I see pics of Ted rockin’ the world’s coolest saddle pad!

Well these are “mine” (not all owned by me)

Lumpy (barn name show name Joint Venture) 8 yr 16.1h TB gelding, fox hunted a couple times, raced, I have schooled him to Prelim. Has HUGE movement. Does not like an unsteady leg. Has very soft mouth. And will let you know when you are not riding him right. Funny thing is that as long as you only want to walk anyone can ride him and he will wander with his nose on the ground on a loose rein.

Gaellent Quest, Hano x Trakehner stallion owned by friend/client/buissness partner. Huge mover. Does not respect jumps under 3’6-4’. Has to ‘play’ for the first 20 min of work. Have not ridden him in about a year due to being ill, but as soon as I can get someone to hold him for me it is back to work. Which I will be posting after how sore I am from him leaping and playing for the first bit.

Gilded Wings Hano x Trakehner stallion owned by same person as GQ. Training him for dressage. Has very nice movement, but is very laid back so more of an easy ride then his brother. I also use him for lunge lessons.

Loot (sold :() had to post him though due to the fact that no matter how sick I was I could get on him, w/t/c and even jump as he was such an honest horse. He was only 5 when I sold him. When I was ill and could not feel my hands, feet, legs, and got double vision he would just go on auto pilot and jump out of stride and listen to voice commands. If he felt me get really unsteady he would slow down and then stop till I could right myself. If I had owned all of him I would have kept him.

GQ http://i297.photobucket.com/albums/mm205/MattsonTraining/GQtrot2.jpg

GW http://i297.photobucket.com/albums/mm205/MattsonTraining/Weddingphotoshorses067.jpg

Loot with me jumping at my sickest http://i297.photobucket.com/albums/mm205/MattsonTraining/Absolutevertical4.jpg