Our equine partners...let's give them a little bit of the limelight!

Okay, we’ve been talking about ourselves and the disabilities we face. Why don’t we share a little info about our horses and/or ponies who make our equine activities possible? I’ll start :slight_smile:

Horse #1 is Screech. Before you ask, I did not give him that name and it is indeed his registered name!!! Screech is a 13 year old bay TB gelding who is line bred to In Reality and as a result has that chunky monkey look to him. I got him as a 5 year old. He bowed his right front tendon at 3, the owner gave him the remainder of his 3 year old year and his 4 year old seasons off. The owner/trainer tried to bring Screech back as a 5 year old with no luck. Although Screech is primarily a dressage horse, he has fox hunted and done hunters. He tore his DDFT when I was turning to a fence. It healed and I was able to use him a little over the past 2 years since I have had a relapse with my nerve disorder…it’s not actually a relapse, I will not be back to “normal” again. In any case, Screech is a wonderful pet and I am hoping he is rideable again as he reinjured the DDFT being foolish in his paddock.

Horse #2 is Rubianna. She is a very large chestnut Selle Francais. She is only green broke. I probably shouldn’t have, but I backed her and began breaking her until my recent accident on a young TB. Most disabled people probably do not hop aboard a giant unbroke horse, but I lack the common sense of most people! Fortunately, Roo will stand all day while I mount up. She’s pretty bomb proof and easy. This spring I am hoping to trailer her to a trainer 3x a week for a couple months so we can both learn at the same time. This is all pending as I have to see at what level my body is functioning.

Horse # 3 is Daphne the wonder horse. She doesn’t belong to me, but I have been fortunate enough to have a few lessons on her. She totally built up my confidence and never put a hoof in the wrong place. Sadly for me, Daphne is pregnant and will be having a baby in the early spring. I am so thankful to her owner for allowing me to borrow her for lessons with my friend Kristen. Jodi, Daphne’s owner, is such a generous and kind person. I couldn’t talk about my horses without including Daphne!

Horse #4 is Whicker’s stunning Hanoverian named Ruby. I’ll let Whicker talk about her gorgeous girl, but I had the good fortune to ride Ruby in a Para clinic last month. The first time I rode this mare, I felt like I was driving a Ferrari. It was incredible and fabulous for my self esteem to ride such an awesome horse!

So, let’s hear about your horses!!!

How timely!

My mare’s name is Fionna, but I often call her “Moose”. She is a 9 year old Lipizzaner, 15.3hh, which is pretty big for a Lip.

I’m trying to learn dressage on her. She can do 1st level and schooling 2nd, but I haven’t been able to ride her consistently for almost a year now.

I’ve already posted about my hearing impairment, but now I have to post about my mare’s impairment. See, we are going to be quite the team next year!

We are in the process of scheduling surgery to have her left eye removed. It’s been a very long (about a year) and expensive battle trying to save the sight, then the eyeball, and now we’ve lost.

Hopefully later next year people will see us out at Training level – The Deaf Fat Lady on the Blind White Horse :smiley:

I am SO looking forward to this!


Daphne, the saintly horse I posted about above, is blind in one eye. You would never even guess she was 100% blind in one eye. I have no idea how long she has been blind, but she is totally adjusted and does just fine!

Daphne, the saintly horse I posted about above, is blind in one eye. You would never even guess she was 100% blind in one eye. I have no idea how long she has been blind, but she is totally adjusted and does just fine![/QUOTE]

I hope Fionna adjusts as well, Invite. We’ll have to see. She also has the infamous name of “Spookmonster”. Whether or not her spookiness is related to her ongoing eye problem, we don’t know and it’s something we’ll probably be enlightened to once the eye is removed and she’s back to normal.

I hope for a calmer girl, but I’ll be happy with her being the old Spookmonster. I just don’t want her any more spooky than she already was. She’s hard enough for me to keep forward without adding to it!


My current guy is Werther. He is a 16 year old Hannoverian gelding by Werther out of a Rigoletto mare. He was imported from Germany as an eight year old. When we bought him I was still doing hunters, and we got him as a 2’6 hunter for me. Werther had been doing big eq medal classes and 3’6 jumpers, but he had been burned out on it. When I got him I had a really hard time getting him to canter, he kept giving me extended trot. It was clear Werther had more buttons than I knew what to do with, so I enlisted the help of a dressage trainer, as they told me he had some dressage training. My trainer did a few rides on him and figured out he knew his 2 tempis and canter pirouettes, so we think he at least had training to I-1. My goal is to show Werther next year at first level and grade III para dressage, my trainer is also going to show Werther a little in 4th level. Last summer was my first year showing dressage I did Intro and Training level.

my horses are also our program horses so they are super special to us :yes:

Paco was adopted from Sunkissed Acres in May of 2009. He took his riders to Special Olympics Gold! He suffered an injury and his care was not the best at that program so he is here with us now recovering and getting ready for a spring full riders in our brand new program. He is a gorgeous buckskin 21 year old QH, blind in one eye and has had his share of hard knocks in life. He instantly knows who he is carrying. He still has barrel racing moves if he knows you can handle it :cool: But put a 3 year old with CP on him and he is 100% therapeutic partner. He.Never.Falters.ever. I trust this horse with my life, I know he would never let me down. When he suffered his stifle injury he had an independent special rider. I called to him to whoa but he didn’t. I was flabbergasted because he didn’t obey my commands and met me half way in the arena. He had his own agenda. He was bringing his rider to me to safety at the mounting block because he knew that is what he should do. He is my horse, I love him so very much and I will care for him and spoil him for the rest of his days.

Trooper is a 22 year old TB. Adopted here from the Giveaways. Trooper has done it all and his former owner gave him a wonderful life so he is here for a new job teaching kids how to ride. Trooper is another one like Paco. He jumps BIG, he moves BIG, but put a Hippotherapy client or a TR rider on him and he gives exactly what he should. He took to it like a pro. He shows locally with his owner and packs our riders around happily as a day job. He is one in a million.

Katie is a 9 year old Mule adopted from Sunkissed Acres. Katie has trust issues but can spot an innocent fearful soul a mile away. Katie isn’t a mount for a program but women and children leaving abusive situations come here to meet Katie and to groom here, walk with her. They learn to trust by earning Katies trust. The Hospice childre ADORE her because she has big ears and is the softest creature on the planet. She also give HUGE kisses to them…and never asks for treat in return. Katie has surprised me, I will come right out and admit that. I expected Katie to be my DD’s forever “horse” and life long learning partner. She would fulfill a therapeutic goal yes, but no in am official sense. :wink: I am starting to rethink Katies role in the program as the days go by. She is so smart, smarter than any animal I know and I think she may have much more to give than I originally planned on.

Firelfy is a 2 year old pony adopted from Sunkissed Acres. She is BEAUTIFUL and the kids have already fallen in love with her. She is polishing her ground work and we have TR clients who will show her in hand this spring at the local shows. Along with Paco she is part of our horsemanship program here at the farm. She’s only been here two months and already she has proven to be perfect for our program and our family. My DH adores her. :smiley: Always a bonus to have the DH on your side for things like this.

Rye is just 2 and a mini with some issues related to Dwarfism. He made the trip from Sunkissed with Firelfy. He has a wry mouth and wry attitude :lol: Napoleon Complex sums him up well. He is just about 2 feet high at the withers and a blanket appy. He is pure spice this one, but snap a lead rope on and he 100% business. I have never seen such a lead rope personality change :lol: He will be a visiting horse in the spring.

Dumplin’…well…he will leave a whole in my heart forever. The kids miss him so much. He was perfect. No other word describes him :sadsmile:

Neat stories!

Currently I have four horses, though right now I only ride one of them :lol:

Stan - http://pets.webshots.com/photo/2767537100100789832HGjczf
Stan’s your stereotypical super-mellow ultra-reliable Belgian draft gelding. Huge marshmallow of a horse. I’ve had him since he was 8 months old, and he’s about 11 now. He did a few hunter shows, trail rides, breed shows (halter and Ladies Cart), and some dressage lessons. He was the 4-H demonstration horse for a wide variety fo topics, from show prep, grooming, clipping, bathing, to Showmaship and Driving. He spent some time in a therapeutic program, and his attitude was great, but his size limited what they could use him for, so he came back home to me. He’s got a small amount of arthritis in his coffin joint, so he’s limited to light duty these days. And although he can still be ridden, I have to admit that I much prefer a hotter horse, so Stan is now playing the role of 2000lb Barbie-horse :lol: He loves to be brushed and fussed over. At first I felt guilty about not working with him more, but he’s really quite lazy, so I think this arrangement is working well for both of us.

Pody - http://good-times.webshots.com/photo/2791575000100789832GtsEXh
Pody is our resident babysitter, now a companion for Stan. That picture was taken last year, when she was only a mere 27 years young :smiley: We aquired Pody after she was left tied to a tire in someone’s downtown backyard as part of a very nasty divorce :frowning: Pody is a Russian Arabian mare, and has had at least 7 foals over the years, including one EBC Egyptian Event Reserve Champion and Mid-America Reserve Champion that I know of. She was also trained to ride, and has taught children to ride as well. These days she occasionally gives a walking pony ride to my son, but he’s not all that interested in horses. Besides her important position as a companion, Pody also has Cushings, and took part in one of the large Pergolide studies this year. Lots of important stuff for this old lady!

Sadie - http://pets.webshots.com/photo/2853802810100789832urYHUW
I need new pictures of Sadie. That one was taken the morning after her filly was born, and I know I wouldn’t want people looking at pictures of me the day my son was born! :lol:
Sadie is a 14 year old Anglo-Trakehner mare. After one of my geldings passed away about 4 years ago, my vet called me up to tell me that a women desperately wanted to find a home for this mare, and I should go out and look at her. I said I wasn’t sure I was ready, but the vet said “I know you, and I know this horse, and you need to go look at her.” She’s a great matchmaker, she was absolutely right :lol: Sadie and her previous owner were very mismatched, and her previous owner had fallen off and hurt herself quite badly. She was very honest, and told me she never wanted to get on her ever again. Sadie was very sensitive, hot, and nervous, but she doesn’t have a mean bone in her body, and you can honestly feel her give a huge sigh of relief when she she gets something right, and you tell her “good girl”. I remember her previous owner saying that since this mare was so difficult, and the vet had recommended me, that I must be a really great rider. I laughed, and told her no, I know why the vet recommended me, and it’s not because I’m a great rider - it’s because I don’t get excited by much. And that’s really been crucial with this mare. To just sit calmly and quietly on her no matter what else is happening.

Ilen - http://pets.webshots.com/photo/2534885330100789832gIKEbM
Also need more recent pictures of this one. She’s two now, and that was taken when she was 5 months old. Have some fugly yearling pictures too, but nothing from this year.
Ilen is Sadie’s daughter. Two year old 3/4 Trakehner 1/4 TB. I liked her mother so much I wanted another one. We joke that it really was a breeding by committee, since I’d never bred a mare before, and I got all kinds of experts involved. The vet, the farrier, my trainer, and a local breeder friend of mine (who also foaled her out for me). So far so good. She’s rather hot and opinionated, but very friendly and bold as well. And she’s looking nicely put together as well. Here’s hoping she continues to do well!

So now I just need to get some decent recent pictures of well, everyone :lol:

Most of my horses are Lipizzans. My stallion is the most brave, spook free horse I have ever ridden. His movement is hard on my back but the joy of riding without fear overcomes that. I can always canter if the trot hurts too much. I have 2 greener Lippi mares who are comfortable. One is a bit spooky, just needs mileage. But a Lippi generally takes you along when they do their airs–it is not jolting. One 4 yr old giant Lippi is cushy but has so much suspension I could easily be bounced off–I don’t ride her much. A 5 yr old TB is spookless and comfortable. I have 2 semi retired mares, a 23 yr old TB and a 19 yr old QH who are saints. Actually I am so lucky with all my horses.

Wayside - great pics!

I know I have to many horses. As people have noted horses seem to know when people need special consideration. One reason most horses don’t have a problem with children or wheelchairs as they don’t see them as a threat, we are lower then them. If you can’t bridle your horse sit down:-) There all at home…

pics driving can be seen at www.usdfd.org main page and people page.
Jasper - lost in 2008 special special horse. Welsh cob , and my world Champion.

Rupert - 13 yr old Welsh Cob Section D Gelding, 15.2 hds. I currently compete him at the FEI level in Single Horse (driving), and with George in the pair at Preliminary level. Rupert is an awesome horse, has great gaits, was shown extensivly ridden dressage in England before I acquired him. If anyone in California ever needs a loaner horse for a competition or clinic, I would consider loaning him out. I wouldn’t have this wonderful horse if he hadn’t been loaned to the USA team in 2004 for a competition in Scotland.

George - 5 yr old Welsh Cob Section D Gelding 15.hds.

Dinero- yearling, dutch harness horse, quarter horse cross. future driving star, gelding, black, 4 whites and a blaze.

Rocks Anne - 14 year old Appaloosa, my first foal. I taught her to drive and she is what got me into combinied driving - when I turned over she just laid there, a very special horse (she was also in a Eukanuba dog food commercial with my old service dog Fritzi). She rides also, I feel bad that she hangs out I retired her at the ripe age of 8. Would love to find her a home but she is a bossy witchy mare:-) Nick name Jaws. Which is why I can’t send her to a center… To many volunteers that don’t know horses and they might get bit.

Mischief and Cowgirl -(10 and 15) driving and riding horses, single and pair mother and daughter, black and also broodmares. Cowgirl is leased out right now to hopefully a forever home. I wanted to get her into a center with a riding and driving program but that didn’t work out. Mischief had a torn mucsle in her butt as a 5 yr old that makes her short stride at the walk and canter, her trot is great.

Haley and Kelsey - daughters of Above mares - 2 and 3, Irish Sport Horses they were to be my future driving stars but they are now at least 16.2 hds moveing on to 17 hds, probably will have to go find a jumping home:-) Lovely queit the absolute best temperment for a disabled rider or driver but just going to be 2 big, who would have thought out of a 15 hd mare:-)

[QUOTE=DressageGeek “Ribbon Ho”;4437348]
Wayside - great pics![/QUOTE]

Thanks! I’m especially pleased with how the picture of Pody turned out. She gets around really well for her age!

Cadriver, your Cobs are just darling!

Aren’t those driving pics incredible??!!

![]('ve a load of horses that are worthy of nomination.

They stand for hours without moving so much as a foot when there’s a crowd of folks round them with such as wheelchairs etc.

It’s not an accident though and it’s not because they’re saints. They’re trained, trained and trained some more. I get very irritated by folks who make excuses for bad mannered horses that have huge gaps in their training and to such an extent they won’t even stand quietly in the yard or whilst being mounted:



Hey Dressage Geek why don’t you tell us all a little about Super Ted? I’m hoping the infamous Whicker will tell everone about her horses, too!!!

Thomas, fabulous pics!

Now I wanna come there and visit…maybe I need to take a side trip after visiting colleagues in Glasgow…

As requested…

Ted is an OTTB, came off the Fairmount track in Illinois (with not a particularly wonderful track record!). Sire was Secret Counsel, never raced son of Secretariat, dam was Zen It Happened (Zen, his grandsire was a big name around these parts - the Zen horses are known to make wonderful eventers).He will be eighteen in March, and I’ve had him for 12 years come April. We have come a long, long way. I’m not sure what happened to Ted along the way (and I strongly suspect some of the abuse came at barns at which I boarded, but I was then too ignorant to see it at the beginning) but he doesn’t forget. If he trusts you, he is willing to meet you half way. He is not particularly crazy about little girls - when he first came off the track he was used as a schoolie (so much for your crazy nutso OTTB), but he did burn out quickly (one month!). I don’t think they had turnout, and he hates just arena work. He is very intelligent and likes to be challenged: one of my biggest issues is that if I repeat something (counting strides, a particular movement) he will just offer it up. I have to be careful when he anticipates, and say, “Thank you! How nice! Now let’s do this!” and I also have to be on top of when I am thinking of asking for something, and I move just slightly enough, he responds - in this way he has taught me so much about body language.

He is more sociable with other animals, more so if there is a gate or fence between him and them (always low man on the totem pole, that’s my Ted! he’s the one 9 hand mini Chip would chase after). With a wicked sense of humor: at one barn, they had two llamas in a pasture. The first time he smelled them, he absolutely freaked. Once he realized they were not predators, he became very curious. I had him in one pasture, not realizing the fence had come down and there was an opening to the llama field. Ted slowly ambled over, very non threatening, until about 5 feet from the reclining llamas, then exploded into typical TB happy bucks - the llamas were terrified, and I came running over (because I was so worried they’d infarct or something from fear), and Ted had a blast galloping all over. He seemed genuinely amused when one spit at him.

I bought him to do hunters, was bit by the dressage bug. Are his gaits naturally fabulous? No. But we are very precise, and we always received high marks for submission - I do have to wonder, if he had not been on the track, or if he had been able to be with my current trainer afterwards, where he would be (I’m sure I have held him back).

He is a marvelous teacher: once he knows there is a better way, and I can do it, he won’t settle for less. So he keeps me pretty honest.

He is a classic TB: dark bay (red highlights in summer) - no white at all. Very elegant. Very handsome! And doesn’t he know it!!

Ted profile.jpg


Geek - Ted is just lovely!!!

What great pictures and stories!

I’ve a load of horses that are worthy of nomination.

They stand for hours without moving so much as a foot when there’s a crowd of folks round them with such as wheelchairs etc.

It’s not an accident though and it’s not because they’re saints. They’re trained, trained and trained some more. I get very irritated by folks who make excuses for bad mannered horses that have huge gaps in their training and to such an extent they won’t even stand quietly in the yard or whilst being mounted:



That is great that you have such well mannered horses, something to be proud of.:cool:

I have to say that we too had extremely well mannered horses as a norm in Europe, mostly because they were USED several to many hours a day, all their lives, unlike in the USA, where so many suffer from idle hooves syndrome.:frowning:

Geek - Ted is just lovely!!![/QUOTE]

Thank you!