We have been enjoying the cooler days and cold nights. Been driving quite a bit and going longer distances. They are getting fitter, but still quite “looky” going thru the woods. Lots of wildlife in there, seeing plenty of deer across the new crop fields.
Put up hay the first weekend in June, which of course turned hot for baling and stacking. It looks like real nice hay, horses are cleaning up the heavy bales for us. I was surprised at the quantity, about double what I planned on! Still need more hay, but even a skimpy second cutting should provide plenty for winter. Fields look like a big lawn at the moment. I got them weed sprayed, still have to fertilize. Clover of all kinds is growing strongly around here. All volunteer, not planted. Need to seed grass on some areas we use as dry lots.
Husband took the Pair over to drive on the hayfields, practice in the wide open spaces. Horses were really “up” without a path to follow, bumping and jerking of the carriage pulling on them over rough ground. The gelding wanted to canter the whole way, had to keep pulling him back to trot. Got in some distance going along the fencerows, then across the open fields. All new to them, but they are accepting, listening to the driver.
Finally have horses out on grass all night, in during the days. They are waiting at the gates each morning. Husband killed 2 bombers today, not a good thinge to hear! Seems too early for bombers. Pastures and paddocks are finally all cut, dragged, and rain might happen, so I can start over! Ha ha Working on cleaning fencelines, then spraying keeps the weeds off pretry well. Heat today is high, 90Fs again, I don’t want to do anything outside.
This would have been Metamora CDE Weekend if things had not been canceled. Felt kind of flat not packing things to go. No clipping horses, baths and everything involved with a competition. But thinking of 90F wearing a wool groom jacket and show clothes, trying to stay clean for Dressage and Cones is hard while in the cooled house! Or the opposite, being soaked in a downpour during your rounds. Then hanging everything to dry when finished, never enough hooks! Ha ha In the excitement of competition details like that fade from being an issue. Probably proves we are just crazy!!
Does look like some driving activities, shows, will be happening later in the Summer and Fall. May finally be able to have driving Club activities too. We picked up a couple used Pair breastcollars as spares. Even beta wears out at some point, has to get fixed. No down time with spares. Or husband may be planning ahead for driving a Six!! Ha ha We could work everyone at the same time!!