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Outbreak of Rhino/EHV 1 in Valencia, Spain

I saw this on an email I get from a Dutch sporthorse site. It seems to have happened at a dressage venue and they are struggling to treat and help all the horses affected. Very sad situation. Please immunize your horses! Sorry about the error in city - I corrected it. I know better, just can’t read sometimes!

H&H article; https://www.horseandhound.co.uk/news/equine-herpes-virus-outbreak-in-europe-four-horses-die-738887

A very good reason to review your plans for import.

Another article: https://horsesport.com/horse-news/europe-mobilizes-contain-most-serious-ehv1-outbreak-decades/

Probably should read Valencia (Verona is in Italy) but nonetheless a disaster for so many.

FEI cancelling all international competitions through end of March on European continent.

Caution (scary video) but worth knowing the extent of the problem—a video here of a French jumper that had been at Valencia show–they seem to still be hopeful for her at the point of posting: https://www.facebook.com/100011274514801/videos/1311946559191149/?t=0

Anyone think they’ll shut down imports from Europe? Hoping people aren’t stupid enough to put horses on planes and ship from Europe to CA or FL to show.

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Yours is a happy nature. Of course people are that stupid. I hope imports are shut down to prevent that.


@banmharcach that video was hard to watch. Darn. Jingles for all involved!

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I am cynical enough to realize that people are that stupid, but hopeful that they aren’t.

Based on what I’ve observed during a few EHV outbreaks out here—trainers pulling horses out of barns and shipping them to a show before an official quarantine was declared, show management (a big one, mercifully no longer in my state) trying to hide that there were cases as a big multi-week show to the detriment of the horses—I should probably not be so optimistic.

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All of the horses who were on site are FEI blocked so they can’t show again until they get tested and approved by FEI. So no importing anything that was there for showing will be happening.

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That’s hopeful. Do they need an FEI passport to show at a national USEF or NSBA show? Or just to get shipped over? Or does the block only come into play when the passport is presented at a show?

That’s just for FEI showing horses. I just read an article here, at the bottom it says they are testing horses coming in. Shocking they are allowing them in!

I would feel better if they didn’t let them in, or made them quarantine at the official quarantine facility for at least 14 days. Because it will get here. And then our shows will get cancelled.

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I agree, but I’m more concerned about my horses getting sick than shows being cancelled. It’s close to my area at home too :frowning:


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Very true. It’s not here…yet.

Better to cancel shows than let them run and aid the spread. Lots of SoCal barns go out to Thermal for a week, come back, and then go back out a few weeks later as opposed to just staying out there. Seems like that scenario would spread it efficiently if not caught in time.

More news

Wish they’d do that here.

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This article is interesting. The rider is saying there were “many horses” with fevers, but show management still allowed new horses to arrive, including hers. She also says it was a week before there was any separation of sick horses from the rest.


Also really disappointing that horses were allowed to leave, some of them sick, which then caused the breakouts in at least 3 other countries.

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World Equestrian Center – Ocala Recommends Precautionary Equine Biosecurity Measures - World Equestrian Center

Wow, that video was so hard to watch. How many horses are in that condition? The article said additional support mats and slings were being sourced from around the continent.

Things are getting serious now. What’s going to happen? A lot of eventers who are planning Rolex have been showing here, if they get locked down that’s going to be hard to prep for such a huge event.

They should be shutting this down.