I have a roughly 15 x 15 outdoor wash bay/tie up yard we built in 2014. Currently the footing is just grass, but I’m somewhat keen to change that into something a bit firmer and less likely to get muddy (or knee high overnight after some rain in summer). It drains pretty well, never turns into slop but of course when bathing or in wetter weather it will get muddy. It’s also a nuisance when it gets a bit overgrown.
So far I’m thinking my options are either concrete (maybe with mats on top) or some sort of grid system filled with gravel. From my research so far the second seems like more work, and potentially more $$ to implement, and won’t necessarily stop the grass eventually coming back through.
It’s highly unlikely the yard will ever be used for long term confinement due to it’s location. It’s uncovered, although I wouldn’t mind getting a roof over it at some point so I don’t have to tie up in the carport when its raining!