Outside heated dog mats

I am wanting to put a heated mat in my dog house, she sleeps in the house but really wants to be outside during the day.
Does anyone have experience with heated dog mats? Hubs is wondering about using a heat tape under her ‘mattress’. I am under the impression a heat tape turns off and on? I admit I know nothing except they work to keep the barn water from freezing. :slight_smile:
She is not a chewer.
With an actual dog mat would she lay directly on it or do you put it under the mattress? I would like one with a temperature setting if possible.
Experiences anyone?

I use heated mats for my barn cat.

Go with something designed for animals. K & H makes these and they’re great.


I would not put heat tape under her mattress. Agree with simke, get something designed for animals.


The reflective pads, which are lined with a material that reflects that pet’s body heat back to them (no electricity needed) seemingly work very well and are extremely popular with the cats and dogs at my house.

I had to buy two more cat pads and scatter them around the house because there was a literal line to sleep on the original one. As soon as one cat vacated it, there was another ready to move right in. :grin:

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