I am looking for a new helmet that I will both school and show in. My head is very round - GPA and One K fit me very well, while I can barely wedge my head into a Charles Owen. Right now I school in a Tipperary Sportage that fits OK but moves around a bit on my head because it’s just not quite the right shape, and it’s not close enough to make it snug by moving the padding around.
I was 99% sure I was going to buy a One K, but then I tried on an Ovation Sync that fit me very well and actually looked better as it is lower profile. The price was a fraction of the One K, which also makes it very attractive. However, I don’t like the racing stripes on it and want something that looks a tad nicer and less schooly.
Does anyone know which other Ovation styles are round like the Sync? I previously had a Deluxe Schooler that was more oval in shape, so I know the different Ovation styles vary. The tack shops around here don’t carry the nicer models.