Does anyone have an ovation saddle ? I’ve been stuck in the saddle hunting mode for an eternity now. I have a five year old who isn’t done growing at all , so I don’t want to sink money into anything very expensive or custom until he’s done filling out .
We’ve tried a Toulouse Bridgette ? Awful fit .
Tried a prestige Roma , pinches in the shoulders but fit everywhere else .
Its my first time buying a saddle, everyone has very strong opinions favoring their own brand when I inquire on suggestions around the barn, and suggest brands that are sadly out of my price range for the time being . I was looking at a few of the ovation models (San Diego , Tierra , Lugano ) , and a Pessoa model gen X 2.
All the reviews I’ve read everyone seems to like their ovation, but I’ve never seen one in person. Sadly there’s not a saddle fitter in our area.