My farm is in Chester County, PA. I have about 7 acres of pasture I am trying to renovate for horses. There are no horses on it currently and there will not be until next Spring.
This pasture has a lot of grass but also a ton of weeds. There are not many bare spots. My goal is to establish more good pasture grasses out there so that they can largely out-compete the weeds.
Last season it was soil tested and limed accordingly. It was mowed several times. This season, it got mowed every 3-4 weeks, which has helped the grass a lot, but it still needs more help.
Is it worth it to overseed this pasture with a seed drill (hopefully less wasted seed with the drill)? I have done my research and it is more cost effective for me to overseed than to spray with broadleaf herbicide even one time, but will overseeding work? If the grass doesn’t come up, then it’s not worth it. Any experience out there?