I met PacificSolo for the first time tonite and a lovelier person (inside and out) I have yet to meet. I know we only met tonite, but she was one of the easiest people to talk with. This BB is so good to me! One can never have enough friends. Hopefully, I can be a good friend to her, especially since she has recently moved to Richmond.
Weather is great this time of year you know. 87 yesterday. A bit windy today, but that too will pass.
Don’t wait too long. Spring is brief in the desert. Then we slide right into, oh 105, it’s not that bad, it’s a dry heat. yada yada yada.
Would love to have ya.
“The older I get, the better I used to be, but who the heck cares!”
“Come west, young Duffy, come west!”
Hey, barbecue time at El Ranchito! If you aim for June, fly season will be in full swing.
“Beware of geeks bearing gifts.”
Ooooohhhh…party at Merry’s!!! Who’s bringing the margarita mix? And more importantly, where is Rusty???
visit www.victorianfarms.com
OMG… it has come full circle!!!
So who’s going to start up “Question for Merry, Part III”???
“Of course, that’s just my opinion. I could be wrong.” - Dennis Miller
March Madness 2002 - Go Bruins!!
<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>posted by Heidi:
Allow me to edit your post for you, darling Duffy
I met PacificSolo for the first time tonite and a lovelier person (inside and out) I have yet to meet - with the exception of Heidi or MAD. I know we only met tonite, but she was one of the easiest people to talk with - with the exception of Heidi or MAD. This BB is so good to me! One can never have enough friends especially those who are as smashingly lovely and wonderful as Heidi or MAD. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
I met PacificSolo for the first time tonite and a lovelier person (inside and out) I have yet to meet. I know we only met tonite, but she was one of the easiest people to talk with. This BB is so good to me! One can never have enough friends. Hopefully, I can be a good friend to her, especially since she has recently moved to Richmond.
Love you best!
“No hour of life is lost that is spent in the saddle.” Winston Churchill
I met PacificSolo for the first time tonite and a lovelier person (inside and out) I have yet to meet - with the exception of Heidi. I know we only met tonite, but she was one of the easiest people to talk with - with the exception of Heidi. This BB is so good to me! One can never have enough friends especially those who are as smashingly lovely and wonderful as Heidi. Hopefully, I can be a good friend to her, especially since she has recently moved to Richmond; though, on second thought, Richmond, Schichmond, Heidi is still my uber-favourite person on the BB.
I might be coming as far as Austin the first weekend in April…
I see the four-legged therapy has helped and you are back to your righteous self.
Duffy, aren’t cyber friends just the best? And when you like them as “real people”, well it is such a bonus.
“The older I get, the better I used to be, but who the heck cares!”
I guess I totally missed this topic, or I’d have cried then told you how good this made me feel!
I loved dinner and getting to know you…and you are such a sweet and fun person to be with…thanks for being my new friend
Heidi, you’re the bestest!
(After Urchin, of course, who told me about the BB.
Yes, Cactuskate, I love all my BB friends, whether they remain cyber for some reason, or we meet in “real” life.
The BB’ers whom I’ve met in real life, (and there are plenty ), have not let me down one iota, i.e., the BBers who I adore on the BB, I end up also adoring in real life.
Hmmm…I think it might be time for me to head WEST!!!