Hello. I am in the process of buying a yearling and I want to make sure I have an appropriate environment for the little one to grow up in. Unfortunately, I live in an area where the cost of land is pretty insane and because of that there is essentially no pasture board within an hour of where I live. Fortunately, my parents have some land that they keep their horses on and are willing to let me board there. The paddock that they have open is 1/3rd of an acre. However it may be possible to increase the size to 1/2 an acre. The yearling would have access to play with and learn manners from other horses. They would be out 24/7 with attached covered area. I know that this size of paddock is on the smaller side so I would do frequent hand walking, ponying, etc to make sure they are moving their legs enough.
I just wanted to hear opinions on if this area is too small to raise a young horse in. I wouldn’t want to risk them not developing healthy bones and feet.
All of the breeders and trainers I have talked to but one have said that they think this set up would be totally fine. But I think they may be biased because this space is considered very large for our area (much larger than most would be able to provide). But I don’t want to do it just because it is better than other places in this area.
Additionally, if anyone has links to research done on this topic that would be helpful. I have seen many studies comparing the health of young horses in stalls vs pastures but I haven’t been able to find anything on the size of the pasture required.