It could be just my browser (using Chrome on my computer and phone), but is anybody else having issues with the top half of the page loading, and then it not allowing you to scroll down to further content? This webpage is the only one doing it. Usually a few refreshes fixes the problem, but it’s still really weird and annoying.
Yeah, I’m having that same issue, but only on my phone. Others are also reporting it in RPM’s thread directly below. You’re not alone!
Yes, same here, on my desktop.
Me 3 on desktop :no:
Mobile app seems to be working normally
Mine was doing it yesterday but not this morning, The page would freeze after loading and I would have to hit refresh a time or two to get it going.
I’ve alerted the tech folks. Thanks for the heads up… hopefully it will be resolved soon.
Our apologies for the trouble! (I’m having the same issue sporadically, if it’s any consolation :winkgrin:)
Seems like for me it happens if I try to scroll before the page has finished loading. This could be anecdotal but yeah, I’ve seen the same thing (Safari).
FWIW, it doesn’t happen to me at all in Firefox on the desktop.
Happens frequently on the phone, in chrome.
FEELS like it happens when I try to scroll before the page is loaded, but have tested that and it’s not the case. I think it feels like that because the “sticky” pages are slower to load, so I try scrolling before the page is done loading, and it sticks. But even with no scrolling at all they’re still sticky.
The last two days the sticky page is considerably worse.
It used to stick once in a while, now is probably every handful of page changes and some times it takes two or three exit and re-try to finally get in and able to scroll to read the thread.
It is still veeeeeryyyyyy slooooow to post most times, minutes long, can go do other and come back and still has not posted.
At times it posts in not too long, most, it takes for-e-ver.
Between these two glitches, it is taking longer to get around.
I still think that, if they are working on the background, that would be why the glitches?
I seem to have lost the ability to scroll down the page on many threads I open. Using IE
That it is, bad today about this, here on Mac laptop and Safari.
Not sure any more it is any one ad, may be some other glitch.
Been having this problem all week. Get half way down the page and everything locks up. I can’t leave the page either. The only way off of it is to exit COTH completey and start over.
Off topic has no scroll down, doesn’t respond to scroll down arrow, and won’t scroll left or right.
At least you can go half way down the page, I can’t.
The pages change and then freeze and that’s it.
Some times today it took several tries to get in and on a page that can be scrolled and so read.
Good in a way, some of the insults some were posting would have been hard not to respond to, ugh.
For me, thought the sticky page thing was better this evening (not sure it happened at all).
Safari desktop.
PS. If a page gets “stuck” I usually just reload it and it’s okay.
Same here on the desktop using Chrome. I just had to reload the page 3 times to scroll down the forum topics.
Scroll still randomly disappears. Some forums, some threads. I cant see the rhyme or reason.
It was a bit better last night, and today it has gotten worse again.
Today has been the worst for me, on phone and laptop Via Chrome.
It took me nearly an hour to get here and to be able to write this.
Me too, about 1 in 5 pages I change, it freezes and some take several tries to get one that doesn’t freeze.
Also it took over 4 minutes for this to post!